Sunday, January 20, 2013

Video - Jewish Home candidate #14 caught on video saying 'imagine if that gold dome were blown up'

Video - Jewish Home candidate #14 caught on video saying 'imagine if that gold dome were blown up'HT: IsraelMatzav.HaBdicha, the Tzipi Livni party, is running around like a bunch of excited rabbits this evening, because Jeremy Gimpel, #14 on the Jewish Home (Bayit Yehudi) list has been caught on video speculating what would happen if that gold dome (the mosque on the Temple Mount) were blown up. Gimpel was speaking to a group of Christian Zionists in Florida in 2011.
HaBdicha is trying to have Gimpel disqualified from the election for making 'racist' statements.
Here's some of the reaction to Gimpel's video.
"The mask of the cool start-up guy has been ripped from the face of [Bayit Yehudi chairman Naftali] Bennett," the Livni Party said. "The strange list that he is taking to the Knesset seeks to inflame the Middle East and to bring on a third World War with its crazy visions of building a temple."
Gimpel responded that the clip was taken out of context from a lecture he gave to a Christian group about the book of Ezra, a story that happened over 2,000 years ago. "The controversy is ridiculous," Gimpel said. "In order to make the lecture more lively I made a few jokes and you clearly hear the audience laughing. This is a cheap political attack and I would urge anyone to watch the video in its entirety and decide for yourselves."
But the dovish Israeli website 972 Magazine later released another clip in which Gimpel said the Dome of the Rock "doesn't belong there."Hmmmm.....I guess if Morsi's quotes were taken out of context so were these. Read the full story here.


  1. Love it! Let's have some quid pro quo! I hope someone blows the f#cker up too, will do the whole West, not just Israel, a power of good. Like cutting out an infected and suppurating wound, there will be a little pain but that will soon go.

  2. Days are not too far in the future when all these opportunist lap dogs now brown nosing the Jews in USA for money would be looking for dark holes to hide their shameless faces along with their worthless family members for what they have sowed. Let the Western nations Christians meet with the Christians of Israel and find out what they think of their brothern Jews. American Christians will be shocked to find out that how Jews hate and despise Jesus. I saw and heard with my own eyes what the Jews do when they pass any Christian churches in Israel.... they spit on the church and curse Jesus as a Jewish religious MUST while the Islamic Arabic Muslims protect and honor the churches and revere Jesus. Shame of these whorse who have sold their concience for money and free trips to Israel. The days are not too far when their wreckening is near!


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