Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Video - Oliver North: Hagel an Israeliphobe who supports Hamas and Hezbullah , we are going to see the biggest assault on the Second Ammendment.

Lt. Col Oliver North (ret.) held nothing back this morning with Brian Wilson and Breitbart News' Larry O'Connor on WMAL's Mornings on the Mall.
When asked his opinion of the appointment of Sen. Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense North called Hagel a "backer of Hamas and Hezbollah" and that he was an "Israeli phobe."
But here's the problem (just before the 3:00 mark): If Washington wants to stop Israel from doing something, they will do so through the Department of Defense. They will cut off all their spare parts, fuel and ammunition. The part about Hagel ends around 4:45.
The next big thing is gun control.

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