Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Obama's BFF Mursi 'to Mediate' Talks between Fatah, Hamas Leaders.

Obama's BFF Mursi 'to Mediate' Talks between Fatah, Hamas Leaders.(Fars).Egypt helped broker the deal between Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who heads the Fatah party, and Hamas's Khaled Mashaal, BBC reported.
The Islamist movement ousted Fatah from Gaza in 2007 after winning Palestinian elections the previous year.
Observers say tensions appear to have eased in recent months.
On Wednesday Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority (PA), and Mashaal will first "meet Egypt's intelligence chief before holding a three-way meeting with President Mursi," Egyptian spokesman Yasser Ali told the AFP.
The reconciliation accord signed two years ago was meant to pave the way for a joint interim government and joint elections in 2012 but negotiations stalled.
Last October, Hamas boycotted local elections held in the West Bank, the first Palestinian polls in more than six years.
But observers say there have been signs of warming ties between the rivals ahead of Wednesday's talks.
Last Saturday, Hamas allowed Fatah to hold rallies in Gaza for the first time since 2007.
Hundreds of thousands of supporters of Abbas held mass gatherings in the coastal enclave to mark Fatah's 48th anniversary.
Meanwhile last month, supporters of Hamas celebrated their movement's founding with a rare rally in the West Bank, which is governed by the PA.
In a recent speech, Mashaal urged "reconciliation and national unity of the Palestinian ranks".
"Palestine is for all of us, we are partners in this nation. Hamas cannot do without Fatah or Fatah without Hamas, or any movement," he said.Hmmmm......A man is known by the company he keeps.Read the full story here.

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