Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Video - Pat Condell: "Pakistani Christian convert faces deportation and death for apostasy under EU law, yet the UK can’t deport terrorists."

HT: Pat Condell.

The Discourse Institute has been instrumental in coordinating international cooperation to prevent the deportation and possible capital trial for blasphemy, of EU citizen Imran Firasat.

The EU legislation responsible for Spain's actions, namely Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA, was exposed in the Strasbourg European Parliament yesterday, by Gerard Batten MEP, London Region representative of the UK Independence Party (EFD Group).

This terrifying document, in force in EU states since 2010, even goes so far as sanctioning terminating, through criminal law, the employment of those accused of speech and thought crimes. [Article 6(1.)(b)]

The document may be read in full here

 Mr Batten is a long-standing and respected member of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee.

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