Thursday, February 21, 2013

BREAKING: Three young British Muslims found guilty of plotting 'another 7/7' with team of eight suicide bombers and rucksacks packed with explosives.

BREAKING: Three young British Muslims found guilty of plotting 'another 7/7' with team of eight suicide bombers and rucksacks packed with explosives.(DM).

  • Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, wanted 'revenge for 9/11'.
  • The terror cell raised funds by posing as bogus charity workers.
  • Plotted 'spectacular campaign' from dirty Birmingham headquarters.
  • Ringleaders spent years travelling to Pakistan for 'terror training'
  • Police discovered explosive in Midlands when plan was at advanced stage

Three men have been found guilty of planning a terrorist attack to rival 9/11 or the July 7 Tube bombings by packing eight rucksacks with explosives to cause mass casualties.

Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, all from Birmingham, were today convicted of plotting the 'spectacular campaign' designed to claim as many lives as the 2005 London Underground bombs that killed 52 innocent people.

They were 'central figures' in an Islamic extremist plot to set off bombs and possibly other devices on timers in crowded areas in Britain.
Judge Justice Henriques said: 'You were seeking to recruit a team of suicide bombers to carry out a spectacular bombing campaign, one which would create an anniversary along the lines of 7/7 or 9/11'.
The bomb plotters had the means, the will and the know-how to carry out mass murder in the biggest terror attack on the British mainland 'in a generation', detectives said.
In surveillance recordings, Naseer was heard talking about the possibility of mixing poison into creams such as Vaseline or Nivea and smearing them on car handles to cause mass deaths.
The trio even pondered welding blades to a truck and driving it into people.
Police believe it was the most significant terror plot to be uncovered since the 2006 conspiracy to blow up transatlantic airliners using bombs disguised as soft drinks.
Khalid even boasted that the attack was 'another 9/11' as 'revenge for everything'.
Hmmmmm.......Not All Muslims are terrorists, But most Terrorists are Muslim.Read the full story here.

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