Tuesday, February 12, 2013

'Comforting' news for Israel, U.S. State Dept interpreter's perspective on Iran: "Iran and the U.S. are much less different than people realize."

'Comforting' news for Israel, U.S. State Dept interpreter's perspective on Iran: "Iran and the U.S. are much less different than people realize."(UOI).The Wall Street Journal currently features an article on Californian Amir Mohammad Estakhri, who serves as a contractor to the U.S. State Department, interpreting Persian and Dari for among others U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano, and retired Gen. David Petraeus, both when he was Central Intelligence Agency director and head of the U.S. Central Command.

Estakhri also serves as contracted interpreter for President Ahmadineajad, interpreting the leader's comments in TV interviews with Charlie Rose and Piers Morgan and in meetings with global diplomats at the UN.

"My background allows me to easily switch between two worlds," said Mr. Estakhri, in an interview at a suburban mall near his home in San Diego. "Iran and the U.S. are much less different than people realize."

Notes the WSJ article's author, Jay Solomon: "Mr. Estakhri said he plans a documentary set in Iran to give voice to its leaders and people. He hopes it will run on American network television. 'Despite what many in Washington believe,' he said, 'the Islamic Republic isn't going anywhere and can't be changed from outside."Read the full story here.

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