Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Iranian-American 'Mohawk Guy' to sit with First Lady at State of the Union.

Iranian-American 'Mohawk Guy' to sit with First Lady at State of the Union.(UOI).According to SPACE.com: "The Iranian-American Mohawk Guy — whose name is Bobak Ferdowsi — will sit in the first lady's box to highlight President Barack Obama's call for more visas for skilled immigrants in the fields of math, science and engineering, Southern California Public Radio reported Monday (Feb. 11)." "Ferdowsi's American flag-inspired hairstyle — a red- and blue-streaked mohawk set off by white stars on the side of his head — rocketed the mission flight director to international fame during Curiosity's nail-biting landing on the night of Aug. 5."Hmmm....After cutting down Nasa's space travel?'Comforting' news for Israel, U.S. State Dept interpreter's perspective on Iran: "Iran and the U.S. are much less different than people realize."Read the full story here.

Related: Obama Administration Proposes Big Cuts to NASA’s Mars Programs

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