Wednesday, February 27, 2013

'Conservative' Rand Paul voted in favor to confirm Chuck Hagel, utters lame excuse for doing so.

'Conservative' Rand Paul voted in favor to confirm Chuck Hagel, utters lame excuse for doing so.(Yahoo).Though Paul held deep reservations of Hagel, voted to filibuster the man, he ends up casting a vote in his favor nonetheless, making one of the lousiest choices for a DOD secretary in modern U.S. history, a done deal. His press secretary offered this lame excuse:

As he has said before, the president should be entitled to some leeway on his political appointments. That is why Sen. Paul voted in favor of Sen. John Kerry, with whom he largely disagrees on foreign policy, to serve as secretary of state, and that is why he voted for final passage of the nomination of Sen. Hagel this evening, with whom he also disagrees on a number of issues.”

This is pure B.S., no president is allowed by the constitution to use the nomination process of cabinet members as a carte blanche mechanism to rubber stamp all of his appointees, that’s why there’s a nomination process to begin with. It’s called the Senate confirmation hearings, not the ”Presidential Rubber Stamp Committee”.Hmmmm....The same 'conservative' who advocates stopping US mil Aid to Israel."By their fruits you will know them"?Read the full story here.

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