Sunday, February 10, 2013

Obama's BFF Erdoğan slams US envoy’s remarks, saying 'Turkey is not anybody's scapegoat'.

Obama's BFF Erdoğan slams US envoy’s remarks, saying 'Turkey is not anybody's scapegoat'.(HD).Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan criticized U.S. envoy to Turkey Francis Ricciardone's remarks on long detention periods in Turkey during a speech at the ruling Justice and Development Party's (AKP) Istanbul advisory council on Feb. 9. Erdoğan quoted a poem by famous Turkish poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy and, without explicitly citing the U.S. ambassador's name, called Ricciardone's criticisms of the Turkish judiciary “unacceptable.”
"No one should be mistaken about our patience, tolerance and friendliness. Turkey is not anybody's scapegoat. Turkey is not a country with which to meddle in its internal issues or its executive, legislative and judiciary systems. And certainly not a country whose foreign policy guidelines can be dictated [by others]," Erdoğan said.
Ricciardone had criticized the fact that military leaders in Turkey were behind bars "as if they were terrorists" during a meeting with Ankara media bureau chiefs on Feb. 5, provoking heated reactions from many officials from the government and AKP cadres.
"When a legal system produces such results and confuses people like that for terrorists, it makes it hard for American and European courts to match up. We are working to reconcile our legal processes in both countries," he said.
During his speech, Erdoğan also accused European Union members of protecting terror suspects linked to groups operating in Turkey, saying that Turkey's patience "was running out."
"While you always talk about the terrorism issue, why don't you support Turkey's own fight against terrorism? The terrorists searched for with [the highest priority] have been taken under the wing of certain European countries. Why then do you accuse Turkey of not complying with the [political] criteria [of the EU]? You show so much clemency to the terror for which Turkey has paid a very high price," Erdoğan said, adding that the EU was showing Turkey a double standard when it came to terrorism.
Hmmmm......Turkish Envoy Playing Role of Middle Man in Arms Trafficking to Yemen.Read the full story here.

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