Friday, February 15, 2013

Obama's BFF Turkish PM Erdoğan: "If Parliament fails, the people will step in."

Obama's BFF Turkish PM Erdoğan: "If Parliament fails, the people will step in.(HD).If Parliament fails to complete its work on the new Constitution, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) will “take the process to the people,” Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said today during a meeting with the party’s provincial heads.
We will not let it go to waste when there is such a great need and unity from the people [on the Constitution]. We want to show the youth of this country that the people and the Parliament are capable of doing this. If the Parliament cannot do it, we will take the constitution to the people,” Erdoğan said.
He added that even in the most conflicted countries, such as Egypt and Libya, it had been possible to come up with new Constitutions in six or eight months.
Why can’t we do the same?” Erdoğan said. “They are just trying to stop the AKP’s requests.
The prime minister had previously hinted at a possible referendum if the process failed. “If the Constitution cannot be agreed on, then I will put it to a referendum,” he said during a parliamentary group meeting Jan. 30. “The minute we have enough strength for a referendum we will take it to the people.”Read the full story here.

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