Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Obama's 'Strait Shooter' Morsi's advisory team less diverse after months of walkouts.

Obama's 'Strait Shooter' Morsi's advisory team less diverse after months of walkouts, leaving him with no Coptic advisors, and no members of the Nour Party.(AO).After seven months, Mohamed Morsi's presidential advisory team has lost 11 out of its 21 members, primarily because of resignations. The majority of the remaining members are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
The team of advisors and consultants, once described by the presidenial spokesman as comprising "different colours of the political spectrum" was initially formed of seven members of the Muslim Brotherhood, three Salafists, three other Islamists and eight liberal and independent national figures.
Presidential advisor and then-leading member of the Freedom and Justice Party Rafiq Habib, who is a Coptic Christian, announced his resignation on 6 December after bloody clashes took place at the presidential palace in Heliopolis, with supporters of the president allegedly attacking a peaceful sit-in by anti-Morsi opponents. The clashes left at least six dead.
The resignations leave Morsi's team with no Coptic advisors, and no members of the Nour Party, the party which came second in parliamentary elections in 2012 after the Muslim Brotherhood's FJP.
Remaining members include Emad Abdel-Ghafour, chairman of the Salafist Watan Party, two liberal/independent national figures, Emad El-Din Seif Abdullah and Mohamed Fouad Gadallah, two Islamist-leaning figures, Pakinam El-Sharkawi and Ahmed Omran, and five members of the Muslim Brotherhood.Hmmmmm........Morsi: "We will sacrifice for you with our blood and our children and our money," Morsi said. "Our hands are in your hands to keep you steadfast raising the banner of the right in the first cause of the Muslims first. May God strengthen you and strengthen your backs and increase your faith. May He grant you victory over our enemy and your enemy." Read the full story here.

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