Friday, February 22, 2013

"Sanctions That BITE?" - Current construction projects in Tabriz and others in Iran.

"Sanctions That BITE?" - Current construction projects in Tabriz and others in Iran.(UOI).Like other urban centers in the Islamic Republic of Iran but in certain ways more so, Tabriz is currently a beehive of construction activity. All of these photos were taken within the past six months, many in 2013. For those insistent in their belief that Iran's economy is on the brink of collapse, such photographic evidence renders such thinking as further examples of "analysis by means of wishful thinking."More to see here , here , here and here.

Here is John Kerry's picture with the rest of the mullah supporters. Hooshang Amirahmadi, for example, is the man who in an article last  year, called Hamas and Hezbollah as non-terrorist groups and stated  helping such group is not bad or wrong.  Do you see Goli Ameri of Oregon in the background?

The most recent Bilderberg Group meeting that Senator John Kerry attended was the 2012 Bilderberg Group meeting (Chantilly, Virginia, USA)

At the 2012 Bilderberg Group meeting, Senator Kerry mingled in secret with the likes of Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman, Google), Robert Zoellick (President, The World Bank Group), Jorma Ollila (Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell) and Globalist Henry Kissinger (Chairman, Kissinger Associates).

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