Saturday, February 23, 2013

Video - 'Burning Barack Obama' in North Korean new propaganda 'Nuclear Threat' Video.

Video - 'Burning Barack Obama' in North Korean new propaganda 'Nuclear Threat' Video.(INN).A new propaganda video produced by North Korea shows flames superimposed over US President Barack Obama and American soldiers, followed by a nuclear bomb exploding.

The video was posted Sunday on the YouTube self-broadcasting website. Although the logo in the lower right-hand corner of the image says, the post itself was filed under an account affiliated with a Korean pro-reunification government agency.

A blazing fire overlays much of the footage, which is accompanied by a threatening martial music bed.

The video ends with a computer-generated image of an underground nuclear device exploding into a billow of flames.

Earlier this month, North Korea posted a video showing an American city under nuclear attack, accompanied throughout by a music bed of a light, pleasant, instrumental rendition of the song, “We are the World.”

It begins and concludes with footage of North Korea's internationally-condemned December 2012 launch of rocket that put a satellite into space.Hmmm.....Obama: "“They don’t pose a serious threat to us in the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us,” Read the full story here.

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