Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Video - Former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner: If Iran Gets Nuclear Weapon, It Will Not Hesitate to Use It; World Should Protect Israel.

Former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner: If Iran Gets Nuclear Weapon, It Will Not Hesitate to Use It; World Should Protect Israel. Following are excerpts from an interview with former French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on January 4, 2013.
Kouchner spoke in French, and was translated simultaneously into Arabic.
Interviewer: How come Israel has the right to possess nuclear weapons, while Iran does not? The answer is always vague…

Bernard Kouchner: [Israel] does not have the right to possess nuclear weapons, and nobody has announced officially that Israel possesses such weapons. In addition, some other countries, like Pakistan, have not officially declared this. In theory, the NPT should prevent any signatory country from producing a nuclear weapon. This is monitored by the IAEA, which has headquarters in Vienna.
Israel is unlike any other country. It is the outcome of the horrific massacre of the Holocaust, which was perpetrated in Europe, not in the Middle East. The [existence of Israel] – with UN permission – made it possible for the Jews living in the Diaspora to return to where they lived 2,000 years ago or a little less.
If we in the world had the slightest honor or moral values, we would have continued to protect this country. This, however, does not necessarily mean supporting the policies of its government.
The existence of Israel is of importance to everyone in the world. All the countries voted for the establishment of Israel in 1947, including Russia [sic] and the United States. Therefore, it is our duty to protect it.

Interviewer: Even at the expense of other peoples?

Bernard Kouchner: Not at the expense of other peoples, but if a war, nuclear or conventional, is imposed, it must be fought.

Interviewer: But [Israel] launched many wars…

Bernard Kouchner: Excuse me, Israel has won all the wars so far, and these wars led to peace and to Sadat’s visit to Jerusalem. Sadat was a great, wise, and courageous Arab leader.
Things have changed. Some countries, like Iran, openly express their enmity to Israel. Therefore, Iran must not obtain nuclear weapons, which it will not hesitate to use.
We are prepared to renew the negotiations [with Iran], but this will be futile so long as Ahmadinejad is in place. We have tried. I personally participated in many talks, which led to nothing. We should try to meet with people more serious and flexible than Ahmadinejad. This could possibly lead to a breakthrough. Source: Memri.

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