Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Video - Netanyahu: Iran Getting Closer to 'Red Line'.

Iran is taking steps that are bringing it closer to the “red line” in its nuclear program that Israel cannot tolerate, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned on Monday.
Speaking at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Netanyahu said, “The three external challenges that we face begin with Iran. I spoke about Iran’s plan to develop nuclear weapons. Its nuclear weapons program continues unabated. It’s focused on enrichment because if they can continue and complete the enrichment of high enriched uranium, then they’ll have enough to produce enough material to produce a nuclear bomb.
I drew a line at the UN, last time I was there,” he added. “They haven’t crossed that line, but what they’re doing is to shorten the time that it will take them to cross that line. And the way they’re shortening that time is by putting in new, faster centrifuges that cut the time by one third, so that Iran is putting itself in a position to cross the red line and have enough material to produce one nuclear bomb’s worth of highly enriched uranium. This has to be stopped, for the interest of peace and security, for the interest of the entire world.”
Netanyahu said, “How do you stop it? Well, you have to put greater pressure on them. You have to upgrade the sanctions. And they have to know that if the sanctions and diplomacy fails, they will face incredible military threat. That’s essential. Nothing else will do the job. And it’s getting closer.Read the full story here.

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