Monday, February 25, 2013

Zafar Missile Test A Hoax? Blogger Uskowski Claims Iranian Missile test a fake.

Zafar Missile Test A Hoax? Blogger Uskowski Claims Iranian Missile test a fake.(UOI).By: Jabbar Fazeli, MD. Yesterday, the Iranian Pasdaran (IRGC) proudly announced yet another test of an indigenously produced anti-ship cruise missile. It is reported to be the fastest and latest such missile.

The IRGC released a video of that test which was posted on this blog yesterday.

Video link for the Feb 24, 2013 test:

There is only one little problem with this latest missile test: the same clip was posted on YouTube on Jan 26, 2013:

And again on August of 2012:

And yet again on Feb 20, 2012:

And finally, the same missile test can be seen in this Feb 4, 2012 clip:

Based on the above, it appears that the IRGC kept reusing the clip of the first test every time they announced a new test of the Zafar missile. Considering that all the Zafar missile test clips look the same, the IRGC actually has no proof that it ever conducted a test since the unveiling of the Zafar missile 12 months ago.Read the full story here.

Hmmmm...... “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” ~ Sun-Tzu: The Art of Warfare

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