Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday night's Academy awards segment jokes about how Jews control Hollywood.

Sunday night's Academy awards segment jokes about how Jews control Hollywood.HT: IsraelMatzav.

A disgusting segment at Sunday night's Academy awards left two billion people watching with the impression that Jews control Hollywood. It's in the last minute and a half of this clip.

The ADL didn't like it very much and I'm with them on this.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Monday derided as “offensive and not remotely funny” the segment, saying it was “sad and disheartening that the awards show sought to use age-old, anti-Jewish stereotypes for laughs.”

“For the insiders at the Oscars this kind of joke is obviously not taken seriously,” the ADL said in a statement. “But when one considers the global audience of the Oscars of upwards of two billion people, including many who know little or nothing about Hollywood or the falsity of such Jewish stereotypes, there’s a much higher potential for the ‘Jews control Hollywood’ myth to be accepted as fact.”

Indeed. Imagine if they had made the same kind of jokes about blacks or gays or Muslims. No one - not even the Times of Israel - would try to excuse them.

Hmmmm.....If anyone controls Hollywood it might be the 're incarnation' of Evita Perón.Read the full story here.

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