Tuesday, April 2, 2013

James Hansen to leave NASA to fight 'Global Warming'.

James Hansen to leave NASA to fight 'Global Warming'.(WUWT). At the same time, retirement will allow Dr. Hansen to press his cause in court. He plans to take a more active role in lawsuits challenging the federal and state governments over their failure to limit emissions, for instance, as well as in fighting the development in Canada of a particularly dirty form of oil extracted from tar sands.

As a government employee, you can’t testify against the government,” he said in an interview.…

In the interview and in subsequent e-mails, Dr. Hansen made it clear that his new independence would allow him to take steps he could not have taken as a government employee. He plans to lobby European leaders — who are among the most concerned about climate change — to impose a tax on oil derived from tar sands. Its extraction results in greater greenhouse emissions than conventional oil. …

Dr. Hansen says he senses the beginnings of a mass movement on climate change, led by young people. Once he finishes his final papers as a NASA employee, he intends to give it his full support.

At my age,” he said, “I am not worried about having an arrest record.”Hmmmm....."He plans to lobby European leaders — who are among the most concerned about climate change — to impose a tax on oil derived from tar sands."Don't worry the Chinese will be all to happy to buy the 'Tar sands oil'.Read the full story here.

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