Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Video - Jon Stewart Destroys Pres. Morsi For Going After 'Egypt's Jon Stewart'

News of an arrest warrant issued against Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef has dominated the headlines and sparked debates in the world of social media. However, not many people know the man behind the funny mask.
From the seriousness of the dim operation room, to the spotlights of the comedy world of Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, Youssef – a heart surgeon – fascinated millions and redefined the duties of a comedian in the Middle East.
Following a string of lawsuits and threats, an Egyptian court issued an arrest warrant against Youssef on March 29 this year for allegedly insulting religion and the president.
Youssef appeared in court, and was questioned for more than five hours before being released on a $2,200 bail.
After his release, Youssef said there were four accusations against him, but only three were revealed to him: undermining security, contempt of religion, and insulting the country’s president. With more than 1 million Twitter followers, Youssef notified his audience after his release that he will continue to host his show.

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