Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Argentinian Prosecutor accuses Iran of infiltrating South American countries.

Argentinian Prosecutor accuses Iran of infiltrating South American countries.HT: TundraTabloids.

In a 500-page indictment realeased today, the General Prosecutor in the AMIA case, Alberto Nisman, accused the Iranian regime of “infiltrating” several South American countries “by building local clandestine intelligence stations designed to sponsor, foster and execute terrorist attacks, within the principles to export the Islamic revolution.

Based in countless reports, evidence, testimonies, court and investigative records related to other countries of the region, North America and Europe, including rulings of foreign courts against the Iranian regime, he proved the identical decision-making mechanism, planning and execution of terrorist attacks verified in different countries, which were judicially attributed to Iranian intelligence agents,” according to a briefing sent to the media

In this presentation, Nisman was able to corroborate and strengthen with new evidence, the responsibility of the highest authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the AMIA bombing, which cost the life of 85 people, stressing the higher decree of responsibility that Mohsen Rabbani had not only in the attack, but also as a coordinator of the Iranian infiltration in South America.

The document added the prosecution stated the frame and context in which the AMIA bombing occurred, showing that it did not constitute anb isolated event, but a part of a bigger image, dominated by the strong and aggressive Iranian infiltration in the region in which Rabbani did not limit himself to Argentina, but, and based on the gathered evidence, extended his activities to guyana and to several South American countries in his role as a coordinator for the region.

Throughout a lengthy and very strong indictment of more than 500 pages, released today, the General Prosecutor in the AMIA case, Alberto Nisman, accused the Iranian regime of infiltrating several South American countries by building local clandestine intelligence stations designed to sponsor, foster and execute terrorist attacks, within the principles to export the Islamic revolution. 

Based in countless reports, evidence, testimonies, court and investigative records related to other countries of the region, North America and Europe –including rulings of foreign courts against the Iranian regime-, he proved the identical decision-making mechanism, planning and execution of terrorist attacks verified in different countries, which were judicially attributed to Iranian intelligence agents.

For the first time, and without precedents, it has been proved in a court file the steps of the infiltration plan. Also, the Prosecutor proved the way in which the fundamentalist terrorism, sponsored and financed by Iran, operates and hides in South America, its networks and operational system. This intelligence and terrorist network had already caused devastating consequences in Argentina in 1994 and almost strike again in the United States in 2007, when the blowing of fuel pipes and tanks of “John F. Kennedy” New York´s International Airport was dodged by the timely intervention of US law enforcements agencies, which –in this case- led to the arrest of the plotters and their conviction to life imprisonment. Throughout the investigation have emerged strong traces of identical situations, this is to say, the establishment of intelligence bases and centers, which could be being replicated in several countries, such as Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname. These discoveries entitled Mr. Nisman, in compliance with judicial assistance and international cooperation agreements and also with counterterrorism and human rights treaties ratified by Argentina, to send copies of this indictment to the pertinent judicial authorities of the above referred countries. He also requested INTERPOL to increase the precautions and take further measures in order to detain all the defendants in the AMIA case with international arrest warrant.

In this presentation, Nisman was able to corroborate and strengthen with new evidence, the responsibility of the highest authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the AMIA bombing, which cost the life of 85 people, stressing –in particular- the higher degree of responsibility that Mohsen Rabbani had no only in the attack, but also as a coordinator of the Iranian infiltration in South America, especially in Guyana, through his disciple Abdul Kadir, the most important Iranian agent in this country, former Mayor of Linden and former national congressman, now convicted to life imprisonment for conspiracy to attack New York´s airport. Moreover, the Prosecutor proved –based in documents seized from Kadir´s house in Guyana- that Abdul Kadir was Rabbani´s disciple, received orders from him and led the Iranian infiltration in his country, building an intelligence structure very similar in its components, ways of implementation and purpose to that established by Rabbani in Argentina. Kadir was trained and supported by Teheran and was finally arrested while boarding a plane in order to flight to Iran.

The Prosecution also stated the frame and context in which the AMIA bombing occurred, showing that it did not constitute an isolated event, but a part of a bigger image, dominated by the strong and aggressive Iranian infiltration in the region in which Rabbani did not limited himself to Argentina, but –and based on the gathered evidence- extended his activities to Guyana and to several South American countries in his role as a coordinator for the region. The Prosecutor confirmed that Samuel Salman El Reda, responsible of the local operative group and fugitive in this case, used a false Colombian identity and citizenship to enter Argentina several years before the AMIA bombing, without raising suspicions, and hidden his affiliation to Hezbollah, terrorist organization which today still provides El Reda with cover and protection in Lebanon. In this presentation, it was also unveiled the real scope that, in our country, had the Iranian Embassy, the Iranian Cultural Attaché’ Office –under Rabbani- and several front companies, which provided means and coverage to those involved in the attack so they could perpetrate the terrorist act with impunity.

In other words, the AMIA bombing, as well as the thwarted attack to JFK´s airport and those terrorist activities judicially attributed to Iranian agents by several European courts, must not be conceived as a single picture, but as a segment in a larger sequence. The Prosecution Unit was able to demonstrate that the Iranian Regime organized a Seminar on the subject of the Ideal Islamic Government, held in Teheran in 1982, which was attended by approximately 380 religious men from 70 countries. This meeting was a turning point on the regime’s method to export the revolution (understood as the cultural, political and religious infiltration promoted to expand a radical and violent vision of Islam) which included, since then, the use of violence and terrorism when necessary. That was stated, among others, by the First Commander of Revolutionary Guard Corps, Javad Mansouri, who declared: “Our Revolution can only be exported by grenades and explosives”, and subsequently summoned each Iranian Embassy to turn into an intelligence center.

As a consequence of what have been decided in the 1982 seminar regarding the new violent method to export the revolution, many relevant appointments were made the following years. In 1984 the mullah Mohammad Tabataei Einaki was sent to Brazil, from where he was expelled because of his involvement and links with the terrorist organization Hezbollah. In 1983, the Islamic Republic of Iran accepted Abdul Kadir as its agent in Guyana, who ended up convicted for the terrorist conspiracy to attack New York´s Airport. And also in 1983 the regime sent Mohsen Rabbani to settle in Argentina who, many years later, ended up seriously involved in the AMIA bombing. These facts contribute to assert that all these Iranian agents were committed executors of the decisions made in that seminar.

The repetition of violent actions is not a coincidence. It is the manifestation of a radical policy which is characterized by the dual use of diplomatic offices, cultural or charity associations and even mosques, as coverage to hide illegal activities. This is to say that associations and institutions and other legitimate organizations and activities are used to hide criminal and terrorist objectives and actions. Within these lines, the Prosecutor has enhanced the key role of embassies and Iranian diplomacy in these activities and the real scope and proportion of the Iranian and Hezbollah´s infiltration in the region. To reach these conclusions, the prosecution documented with the most solid evidence that many Iranian intelligent agents were sent to the region under diplomatic coverage, which turned out to be the compliance of Teheran´s instructions and a broader strategy for the region.

Hmmmm......US State Dept.: No Middle Eastern Terrorists In Latin America.Read the full story here.

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