Friday, May 17, 2013

"Free Elections in Iran" - IRNA Reports Blocking and Filtering of political Websites and Blogs.

"Free Elections in Iran" - IRNA Reports Blocking and Filtering of political Websites and Blogs.HT: UskowiOnIran.

Iran’s official news agency IRNA reported today that the websites and blogs backing Ahmadinejad’s government and Mashaie’s candidacy have been blocked or filtered.
The Guardian Council will announce its decision whether to allow Mashaie to run for president by next Tuesday and blocking those sites could be related to its possible rejection.
IRNA did not say which agencies are behind the censorship, but the ministry of intelligence and IRGC intelligence organization are capable of blocking and filtering websites and blogs.
Some pro-reform sites such as Aftab are also not accessible, and believed to have been blocked.
Iran will hold its presidential election in less than a month. Read the full story here.

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