Friday, May 17, 2013

Obama's BFF Erdogan: "Palestinian-Israeli peace not achievable without Hamas-Fatah reconciliation."

Obama's BFF Erdogan: "Palestinian-Israeli peace not achievable without Hamas-Fatah reconciliation."(HD).   No result can be expected in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process without reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said May 17 in Washington.

"A reconciliation process has been launched. I believe that the negotiations with Israel will move more quickly if they are able to achieve it," he said during an event at the Washington-based think tank Brookings Institute.

He said that during his notorious participation at the Davos summit in 2010, where he stormed out on Israeli President Shimon Peres during a panel, he had already told the representative of the Middle East Quartet, Tony Blair, that Hamas should sit at the negotiations table. "I told Tony Blair that no peace can come from a table without Hamas, and he said Hamas should participate to achieve peace," he said.

Erdoğan said Turkey could contribute to the process as it could communicate with both Palestinian groups. He also said Israel should accept the 1967 borders as well as the creation a Palestinian state.

Hmmmm......First of all  according to me this is a Obama and Erdogan message:  flashback 2012 US Pres Elect: Democrat platform leaves out God and Jerusalem.

We discover some missing language about Israel in the 2012 (compared with 2008) Democratic party platform.

Below is the section missing from the 2012 document. Pay special attention to the areas in bold
The United States and its Quartet partners should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel's right to exist, and abides by past agreements. Sustained American leadership for peace and security will require patient efforts and the personal commitment of the President of the United States. The creation of a Palestinian state through final status negotiations, together with an international compensation mechanism, should resolve the issue of Palestinian refugees by allowing them to settle there, rather than in Israel. All understand that it is unrealistic to expect the outcome of final status negotiations to be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949. Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel.The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.
Note the implications of removing this paragraph:

1. The Democratic party no longer advocates isolating Hamas. By implication, they advocate 'negotiations' with that terror group.

2. The Democratic party no longer advocates resettling 'Palestinian refugees' only in the 'Palestinian state,' and by implication advocates resettling them in 'Israel proper' (i.e. the truncated Israel that would presumably still exist after implementation of a 'two-state solution').

3. The Democratic party no longer believes that it is unrealistic that the results of negotiations will be a return to the 1949 armistice lines. By implication (and based on Obama's statements last May) that means that the Democratic party will try to push Israel back to the 1949 lines.

4. The Democratic party no longer believes that Jerusalem 'is and will remain' the capital of Israel. Where else do they propose that we put our capital?

I know that I will get comments from Obama's defenders claiming that the platform is meaningless. Well, it's not. The Obama campaign is the biggest influence on the platform and every one of these issues has come up during Obama's term.Hmmmm............Obama: "But I’m also mindful of the proverb, “A man is judged by his deeds, not his words.” So if you want to know where my heart lies, look no further than what I have done — to stand up for Israel."...........He has Israel's back... with a knife.

The NEXT day after Huge backlash they change their platform formula: God and Jerusalem are restored but!!!!!!

 Also left out of the Dem platform, and NOT ADDRESSES OR RESTORED:

 "The United States and its Quartet partners should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and abides by past agreements"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Will. Excellent notes there. I am always suspicious of the Brookings Institute, particularly its branch in Qatar! Much connection with Islamists, particularly Muslim Brotherhood! By making the connection, we can then understand much of what is going on!

    The current trend of course is to classify Muslim Brotherhood organisations as moderate and to work with them in achieving peace. This of course includes the Muslim Brothren in Gaza: Hamas! So, there is push to regard Hamas as moderate and forget about its terrorist, anti-Semite, anti-Israeli ideology!

    And who are advocating for that? Qatar, Erdogan, and some of the idiot left in the US. You know what I mean!


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