Saturday, May 25, 2013

'Kissing protest' in Ankara - Protestors in Ankara manage to go through with ‘kissing action’ despite 'RIOT police' mobilization.

DAILY NEWS photo, Selahattin SÖNMEZ
'Kissing protest' in Ankara - Protestors in Ankara manage to go through with ‘kissing action’ despite 'RIOT police' mobilization.(HD).
Ankara residents, who bidded today to protest “moral warning” for kissing couples in the local subway, managed to complete their scheduled “kissing action” at the Kurtuluş station despite a heavy mobilization of security officers who spoiled the festive atmosphere of the demonstration. Still, many protestors carried on their demonstration without letting themselves be intimidated.
The police attempted to prevent the group of around 200 from entering the subway trains. Still, some couples managed to kiss each other despite the police intervention, while a second group of around 30 people tried to separate the kissing demonstrators, even resorting to physical contact, daily Hürriyet reported on its website. Riot police also intervened, the report said.

The second group included members of the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) youth branches that had started a counter-campaign against the protesters.

Hürriyet quoted Celal Karaman, member of AKP’s youth branch, as saying that they aimed to send a message that “immorality was not freedom.”

Some of the protesters were also attacked by an unidentified group as they left the metro station, Hürriyet also reported.

The kissing protest would have been the first of its kind on Turkish rails. The protesters wanted to denounce a new announcement introduced last week at a metro station in Ankara which said “Passengers, please act in line with moral laws.”

Metro officials reportedly said the announcement was made because of camera footage of youngsters who were deemed to be “acting inappropriately.” Hmmm.....As i said before what's next in Islamist Turkey 'Morality Police'?Read the full story here.More photo's here.

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