Friday, May 31, 2013

Why the United States should leave the United Nations

Why the United States should leave the United Nations

Author: Noah
The United Nations is a worldwide organization which was founded during World War II in the year 1942. The term was coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt when representatives from 26 nations pledged on behalf of their government and country to fight against the Axis powers in WWII. In 1945, representatives from 50 nations across the world met at a conference in San Francisco and signed the United Nations Charter.  The United Nations officially came into existence on October 28th, 1945 which is now celebrated worldwide as United Nations Day. In the aftermath of WWII, the United Nations helped rebuild Europe and adopted resolutions to make sure such unconventional weapons like the atomic bomb will never be used again and took steps to end genocide around the world. In 1948, the United Nations voted and established the State of Israel on the land of the Palestinian Mandate to finally give the Jews a homeland after the horrors of the Holocaust. The United Nations did well at the time but its usefulness has expired since then. While the United Nations was supposed to take steps to prevent genocide, conflict and racism, the United Nations has not only failed to fulfill its duties, but has fueled such actions around the world.
Since 1945, estimates as high as almost 15 million have died of genocide worldwide. The Rwanda Genocide, the Bangladesh Atrocities of 1971, the Cambodian Genocide and the Nigerian Civil War account for 10 million deaths maximum. In all these conflicts, the United Nations have done next to nothing to help the poor people being murdered in these countries. The United Nations (UN) pretends to help by passing resolutions condemning the countries which cause the genocide. In reality, this does absolutely nothing. There is no actual punishment for not following a UN resolution. Since 1945, there have been over 200 wars across the globe and the UN has done little to end them. The UN will send peacekeepers and spectators to these countries as if that will actually help them one bit. A fine example of this is the Syrian Civil War. The UN has attempted to pass resolutions against Syria but have been stopped by China and Russia who care for nothing more than their arms sales. This proves how dysfunctional the organization is. While nations such as Syria who has been killing its own people for over a year get by due to corrupt governments exploiting the system of the UN, Israel gets stuck with more UN resolutions than any country in history, condemning it for ridiculous reasons such as claiming Jerusalem as its capital, despite the fact that Jerusalem is the location of its government. Another famous resolution passed against Israel is Resolution 242, the resolution forcing Israel to withdraw from territories conquered during the Six Day War. While it is true that you may not conquer in a war of aggression and that it is a violation of international law, a country may conquer in a war of defense. One may say that this is irrelevant because Israel made the first attack in the Six Day War and was the aggressor, but what they don\'t know is that the aggressor was actually Egypt who blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel\'s only port to the Red Sea. As for fueling racism, the UN attempts to disguise this with names such as 'World Conference against Racism 2001' otherwise known as Durban I. the UN sponsored this event with an attempt to combat racism, or so it says. Instead of combatting racism as it was supposed to do, it became a racist conference labeling Israel as apartheid and linking Zionism to racism. This was followed again by Durban II in Geneva which included a racist speech by President Ahmadinejad of Iran. The meeting was boycotted by numerous western nations.
Even after laying resolutions against allies, failing to do their job and proving to be controlled by corrupt nations such as Russia, China and others, the United States continues to fund the UN, accounting for about 23of its core budget and about 25of its system-wide spending which is estimated to be as high as $25 billion. The ultimate question is why the US continues to fund such an organization which stands against American values and doesn\'t even get anywhere with the money spent. The only place the money is going is in the pockets of international dictators who say that they will help their people and goes towards resolutions that stand against what the US stands for. The spending is completely pointless. The simple solution is to leave the United Nations, cut off all government funding to them and expel the UN headquarters from US territory in New York City. With this being done, the UN will ultimately collapse on itself and nothing will happen that significantly changes the world because the UN, its resolutions and its peacekeeping barely helps anyone in any place. By leaving the UN, the US does not need to worry about sanctions and condemnations on its allies and can continue without spending so much money on such a useless organization. The UN, although failing to do so, wishes to create a permanent alliance of all countries around the world. George Washington warned the American people of this, saying we should 'steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world' in his farewell address.
The United States wastes billions of tax dollars every year on funding an organization which doesn\'t do its job, and if it were to do its job it would just be going against the American way of life. For these reasons, the United States should abandon the United Nations and expel the United Nations Headquarters from New York City so the United States and its allies can be more prosperous.
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About the Author
I am a 14 year old (Almost 15) from Canada, but born in Kentucky. I have been interested in Politics since I was 11 and I am a critic of the United Nations.HT: Scaramouchee.

MFS: Great insight, thank God there are still young people with good common sense around.

'Only the Educated Are Free' -  Epictetus, Discourses Roman (Greek-born) slave & Stoic philosopher (55 AD - 135 AD). 

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