Sunday, October 20, 2013

Prospects of military cooperation between Iran and Russia discussed.

Lieutenant-General Viktor Bondarev "Hero of the Russian Fedration" since 2.000.

Prospects of military cooperation between Iran and Russia discussed.(Taz).

Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant-General Viktor Bondarev met with Iran's Air Force commander Brigadier General Hassan Shah-Safi this morning, Fars news agency reported.
During the meeting the issues and prospects of military cooperation in the sphere of air forces and defence between the two countries were discussed.

According to the agency, it is also expected to sign a cooperation agreement in the sphere of defence and air forces. Currently negotiations are held in this field.

In addition, there are expected meetings of Viktor Bondarev with the Chief of Staff of Air Defense 'Hatamul-Anbiya' of Iranian Armed Forces Farzad Ismaili and Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

Within the visit it is planned to review the air bases of fighters in the cities of Tehran and Isfahan.

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