Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Assassinate Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps General Qassem Soleimani.

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Assassinate Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps General Qassem Soleimani.(Fars).

The Al-Qaeda terrorist organization threatened to assassinate Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani.

The warning was issued in a statement by the al-Qaeda, in which the terrorist group claimed that it has sent two of its forces to Iran to accomplish the mission.
We will not assassinate the commander of Iran’s Quds Force by gunshots but we intend to kill him by a suicide attack,” the statement claimed.
No al-Qaeda commander or ringleader has yet confirmed the statement.

In Tehran, military analysts believe that such threats and warnings are all nonsense and merely serve psychological operation purposes since the Iranian military commanders are protected by heavy security measures and cannot be reached easily, while the al-Qaeda lacks sophisticated skills, ability and the needed organization in Iran.

Iran is the only regional state, in which the Al-Qaeda has not been able to make any move. The only group said to be affiliated to the terrorist organization was Jundollah which was completely destroyed after a series of operation in Iran's Southeastern border cities. All Jundollah leaders and members, including its No. 1 and 2 Abdolmalik Rigi and his brother, have been arrested, executed or killed in clashes a couple of years ago.

The analyst say that the source of such threats may be the western states which support the al-Qaeda in different regional states, specially in Syria, and are angry at their failure in these countries.

In relevant remarks late October, Lieutenant Commander of the Quds Force Brigadier General Esmayeel Qa'ani said all al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Syria are supported and protected by the US.

The US has been killing people in our region for the last 13 years under the excuse of finding the al-Qaeda, but now all the terrorist groups in Syria are supervised by the al-Qaeda and supported by the US,” Qa’ani said, addressing a congress in the Central city of Qom at the time.

He rejected any military solution to the crisis in Syria, and said, “Today, all sides, even the US, have come to this conclusion that the Syrian problem needs to be solved through political means.”

Analysts believe that terrorism has spread across the Middle-East ever since the US alleged to be in a war on terrorism.
Iranian officials on many occasions have rapped the US and the West as the main and the biggest sponsors of terrorism, and deplored the West's double-standard policy towards this devilish phenomenon.

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