Sunday, December 8, 2013

Experts level Iran nuclear talks planned for Monday in Vienna.

Experts level Iran nuclear talks planned for Monday in Vienna.(NCRI)

(AFP) - Experts from Iran and the six major powers overseeing a landmark interim nuclear agreement will meet Monday in Vienna to discuss its implementation with UN inspectors, an Iranian negotiator said.
"On Monday, we will have another expert-level meeting with the six countries and (EU foreign policy chief Catherine) Ashton's team," Iran's lead negotiator Abbas Araqchi was quoted as saying Sunday by the ISNA news agency.

Representatives from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is supervising the implementation of the agreement, will also be present, he said.

In November, Iran and the so-called P5+1 -- the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia plus Germany -- reached a historic agreement in which Tehran is to curb its controversial nuclear activities in exchange for limited sanctions relief.

Araqchi said Iranian banking and sanctions experts would also be present at the meeting,
Under the six-month interim deal, Iran agreed to limit its uranium enrichment to the five percent level required for civilian power plants.

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