Sunday, December 8, 2013

Germany to sell 2 destroyer warships to Israel.

Germany to sell 2 destroyer warships to Israel.(Alalam).
Germany plans to sell two battleship destroyers to the Israeli regime for one billion euros ($1.3 billion), a German-based daily reports.
The torpedo-carrying warships are to be used to “to protect Israeli pipelines,” major German newspaper, the Bild, reported Saturday but did not mention a source.

According to the report, the Tel Aviv regime’s national security adviser Yossi Cohen visited Berlin last week.
Cohen’s visit to Berlin was confirmed by a German government spokeswoman, who declined to elaborate on the visit’s objectives and whether it was related to the weapon sale.

In past year Germany has sold Israel a number of heavily armed Dolphin diesel-electric attack submarines, after donating two of the war vessels to the regime in the 1990’s.

The European nation is reported to have partially subsidized its arms sales to the Israeli Government.Hmmmm.......Vorsprung durch technik, They'll need it to protect their gas intrests from local Bully Turkey

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