Friday, December 27, 2013

Huffington Post Serves as Promoter for Iranian Front Group.

Huffington Post Serves as Promoter for Iranian Front Group. HT: Algemeiner.
On December 19, the Huffington Post published an article that smeared Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) as a “saboteur,” and alleged that he and AIPAC are leading the U.S. into a war with Iran.
The reason for this shocking, inflammatory headline and  ”news” story?  Because Menendez and AIPAC dare to oppose the Obama Administration’s “deal” with the Iranian regime over its nuclear weapons program. As many have noted, a broad swath of Congressional representatives from both parties also oppose this “deal,” as do Elie Wiesel and other (credible) human rights activists.

As if this naked, inflammatory partisanship wasn’t bad enough for a self-proclaimed “nonpartisan” newspaper, it actually gets far worse. According to the Huffington Post’s “news” article, its source for this assessment was a “report” that was recently produced by a panel of “Iran experts.”

But wait - who are these 'experts' - who is Trita Parsi, and what is the National Iranian American Council (NIAC)?  

The Legal Project, a nonprofit that helps defend anti-terrorism researchers from retaliatory lawsuits by radical Islamists, claims Parsi and NIAC have “deep and incontrovertible ties to high-level agents of the Iranian regime,” and that this assertion was proved accurate in a September 2012 U.S. federal district court ruling. Read the full story here.

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