Friday, December 6, 2013

Iran Allows IAEA to Inspect Arak Heavy Water Installations.

Iran Allows IAEA to Inspect Arak Heavy Water Installations.(Fars).
Iran issued permission for the inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit Arak heavy water installations for the third time.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a sign of goodwill to remove ambiguities on the peaceful nature of the national nuclear program, gave positive response to the request made by the IAEA to visit the plant.

The inspection occurs in line with the action plan between Iran and the UN nuclear agency.
It will be the third visit to Arak heavy water plant by the IAEA inspectors, Spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi said.

In earlier remarks late November, Head of the AEOI Ali Akbar Salehi reiterated that Iran is not due to stop activities at its Arak heavy water reactor forever.
“Arak heavy water reactor is a source of pride for Iran,” Salehi said, addressing a ceremony commemorating the martyred Iranian nuclear scientist Majid Shahriyari in Tehran.

He stressed that ignoring Arak heavy water reactor would be tantamount to quitting uranium enrichment right.
If they wish us not to have such a reactor, this means that they have never been willing to see our nuclear case go back on normal track,” Salehi said.
Addressing certain western states, the AEOI chief said, “If you want to deprive us of a right, you should know that our Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei) has set the red line and we will not relinquish any right, enshrined in the NPT.”

Salehi pointed to the claims made by some western officials that Arak heavy water reactor should stop operation, because it is a source of plutonium production which can be used for atomic bomb production, and said, “The weapon graded plutonium should be free of any toxic materials, whereas Arak reactor does not produce such a kind of plutonium.”Hmmm......If you like your Uranium enrichment, you can keep it.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you get no comments! It is so obvious you are trying to deceive the reader!


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