Monday, December 16, 2013

Judge Strikes Down Polygamyban, Can Muslims now bring their other wives over?

Judge Strikes Down Polygamyban, Can Muslims now bring their other wives over?(DCclothesline).
The Supreme Court’s striking down the Defense of Marriage Act opened Pandora’s box. With it, nothing is off the table, starting with the polygamy ban.  Any twisted, perverted lifestyle choice has no grounds to be declared unconstitutional. 
The Overturning of DOMAwill cause this country to literally destroy itself from within. The signs are everywhere. It’s already happening. What’s next? The answer to this is more terrifying than anyone could imagine. From now on, nothing is off-limits. When homosexual “marriage” was legitimized, in certain states, every other deviant lifestyle gained legitimacy. Once Pandora’s box was opened, there is no closing it. Now the target of wrath is traditional marriage.
Every fear about the Supreme Court overturning DOMA is coming true. This was the beginning of the “slippery slope” where nothing is sacred, and nothing can be ruled “unconstitutional” no matter how vile it is. When a country legitimizes homosexual relationships, every other lifestyle has a constitutional argument for legitimacy. It’s the beginning of a cultural nightmare. Decency and normality are gone.
Now, a judge has declared the laws arguing for a polygamy ban are unconstitutional. He cites the DOMA ruling has his reasoning for this. The homosexual “marriage” ruling has officially made it possible for the polygamy ban to be overturned.
In his 91-page opinion in Brown v. Buhman, on Dec. 13, U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups struck down Utah’s law making polygamy a crime. In so doing, he may have opened Pandora’s Box.
The Supreme Court’s ruling on DOMA already opened Pandora’s box. We are now just seeing the fruits of this reckless, lawless ruling. The worst is yet to come. Where this leads is uncharted territory. The true effects of such treachery are not yet known. Slowly, but surely, this ruling on same-sex relationships will erode society so much to where the only relationship that society will deem illegitimate is traditional marriage. This is the reality of opening Pandora’s box.Read the full story here.

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