Wednesday, December 25, 2013

"Merry Christmas America" - Iranian MPs present a bill to oblige government for 60 percent uranium enrichment.

"Merry Christmas America" - Iranian MPs present a bill to oblige government for 60 percent uranium enrichment.(Taz).
Some 100 Iranian MPs have presented a bill to the parliament's presiding board, which will oblige the government to enrich uranium by up to 60 percent, if is ratified, the Fars News Agency reported on Dec. 25.
According to the bill if new sanctions are imposed on Iran, or the current sanctions intensified, or Iran's peaceful nuclear rights are ignored by the P5 +1 group, the Iranian government will be obliged to complete the infrastructure of Natanz and Fordo nuclear sites, Fars quoted Iranian MP Mehdi Mousavinejad as saying.

The plan also obliges the government to boost uranium enrichment to above 60 percent to provide fuel for ships and submarines.

Completing and inauguration of Arak heavy-water power plan is also among the administration's obligations, the bill reads.

The U.S. and its Western allies suspect Iran of developing a nuclear weapon - something that Iran denies. The Islamic Republic has on numerous occasions stated that it does not seek to develop nuclear weapons, using nuclear energy for medical research instead.

On November 24, 2013, Iran was able to reach an agreement with Western states regarding the nuclear program. Iran has agreed to curb some nuclear activities for six months in return for sanctions relief.

Then Iran and the P5+1 held four-day expert-level talks in Geneva to discuss the implementation of the nuclear deal struck last month. The negotiations ended on Dec. 22 without any result.
The next round of expert-level talks is scheduled to be held after New Year.Hmmm........A 'Turkish Bazar Deal'.

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