Saturday, December 7, 2013

Obama: “[Iran] doesn’t need an underground fortified facility Fordo, and a heavy water reactor at Arak.'

Obama: “[Iran] doesn’t need  an underground fortified facility like Fordo, and a heavy water reactor at Arak.'(TOI).

WASHINGTON — Although the interim deal with Iran does not give it the right to enrich uranium, the regime could be allowed to have a peaceful nuclear program with “modest enrichment” capability under a permanent deal, US President Barack Obama said Saturday.
 The all-or-nothing demands by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he indicated, were unrealistic. “You’ll hear arguments, including potentially from the prime minister, that we can’t accept any enrichment on Iranian soil. Period. Full stop. End of conversation,” said Obama, speaking at the Saban Forum. “In an ideal world,” he said, “Iran would destroy every element and facility, you name it.” But, he went on, “We have to be more realistic.”
With that in mind, the president said, “We can envision a end state that gives us an assurance that even if they have some modest enrichment capability, it is so constrained and the inspections are so intrusive that they, as a practical matter, do not have breakout capacity. Theoretically they might still have some [breakout capacity]]. But frankly, theoretically, they will always have some because, as I said, the technology here is available to any good physics student.”

Obama made the comments in a question and answer session at the end of a lengthy interview with the center’s founder Haim Saban.

Asked about the differences between him and Netanyahu over the tactics for thwarting Iran in general, and over the Geneva deal in particular, Obama acknowledged it was “probably a good bet” that he and the prime minister would analyze the deal differently — a “more than 50-50″ likelihood, he said with a broad smile. He spoke of “occasionally significant tactical disagreements” between the two as they work “to reach the same goal.”

Earlier, during the interview itself, he underlined his administration’s concerns about the Iranian nuclear program, and defended the interim deal reached in Geneva two weeks ago.
“[Iran] doesn’t need to have an underground fortified facility like Fordo, in order to have a peaceful nuclear program. They certainly don’t need to have a heavy water reactor at Arak. They don’t need some of the advanced centrifuges that they currently possess in order to have a limited peaceful nuclear program. And so the question ultimately is going to be are they prepared to roll back some of the advancements that they’ve made,” said the president.
These advances “cannot justify simply wanting some peaceful nuclear power, but frankly hint at a desire to have breakout capacity and go right to the edge of breakout capacity. And if we can move that significantly back… that is I think a net win,” he added.
Hmmm....'“[Iran] doesn’t need to have an underground fortified facility like Fordo, in order to have a peaceful nuclear program. They certainly don’t need to have a heavy water reactor at Arak......So why did he approve the 'Deal'?Read the full story here.

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