Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pres Obama Skips Church on Christmas

Pres Obama Skips Church on Christmas.HT: WhiteHouseDossier.By Keith Koffler.

President Obama and his family skipped church this Christmas, despite issuing a call last week for Christians to remember the religious aspect of the holiday and not overdo the commercial. ]
But he also spent a good amount of time with members of the armed forces serving in Hawaii, invoking the spirit of Christmas, even if not within a church.

The Obamas had attended church on Christmas each of the last three years they were in Hawaii.
Ten days ago while taping the annual “Christmas in Washington” special, Obama spoke of the birth of Christ, asking Americans not to forsake Jesus as they exchanged presents.
Every year, we mark the holiday season with celebrations and good cheer. And I should remind my girls that I like getting Christmas presents as much as anybody. (Laughter.) But this is also a time to remember the story of a child born to two faithful travelers on a holy night, long ago.
Obama played golf until late Afternoon Tuesday and then spent much of the holiday with his family. Christmas morning, the Obamas “gathered around to open up their Christmas gifts and sing carols,” according to the pool report.

The drop by was hardly pro forma. Obama spent more than two hours taking photos with service members and their families.Hmmm......Can't have Two 'Gods' revered in one day.

1 comment:

  1. Obama Dept. of Veterans Affairs Bans Religious Christmas Cards to Troops It's what Obama does behind the camera that we need to watch and not the Photo op this loser never fails to take advantage of. He should try taking his sorry ass to Afghanastan and posing for a few shots with the troops over there. They might just want to take a few shots at him. And not Photo shots. lol


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