Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Saudi Arabia: MERS scare in Sakaka capital of Al Jawf province, possibility of four cases.

Saudi Arabia: MERS scare in Sakaka capital of Al Jawf province, possibility of four cases.HT: Croft.

Via #Corona, a report in Horror infects guests and employees of the hospital «Central» and why «Corona». Excerpt from a Google translation:
The announcement of the Ministry of Health in the injury of more than one case Pfyrus «Corona» were Mnomin Hospital in Prince Abdulrahman Al Sudairi «Central» in the city of Sakaka, a state of terror in the people of the region, as seen by a number of relatives of the injured Balvyrus that the central hospital did not take medical procedures appropriate case of a suspected injury. 
Said Abdulaziz Al Rwaili citizen residents of Sakaka, he visited his cousin in the next day to enter the hospital «Central» and asked the doctor on duty if the case is relative injury Pfyrus «Corona», after noticing the bad condition of relative health. 
He added: «The doctor said that they are awaiting the results of the examination, which will come out after three days, he told me the good that if my neighbor is suspected injury Balvyrus». He pointed out that denounced the visit to the doctor opened his cousin patient if there is suspicion of injury Balvyrus, especially that the virus transmissible from infected him to the contacts. 
Ruwaili and expressed deep regret for the low level of care in the hospital «Central», proposing a question about the time, which is supposed to be taken to the central hospital emergency procedures if it is taken at this time of the announcement dribble on the incidence of the deadly disease. 
He also stressed close to another infected (who preferred not to be named) that the hospital lacks basic medical procedures in case of an emergency, pointing out that his neighbor put in a private room without the complete isolation and prevent his visit. 
This «confusion» of clinical staff and administration in the treatment of patients with Pfyrus «Corona», contributed to the spread of rumors several warn people of the region to come to the hospital because of an outbreak of the virus within the corridors of the hospital, and the number of injured reached the four cases. 
For his part, denied media spokesman «Health Hollow» Fahd Alchria in a press statement yesterday, what is traded from the presence of four cases infected Pfyrus «Corona».
I'd been picking up rumbles of "four patients" on #Corona for a few days, but this awful translation is the most coherent account I've seen.

Google Translate does have one happy choice of terms: "announcement dribble" precisely describes Saudi policy on informing the world about MERS.

As Wikipedia has just taught me, Sakaka is the capital of Al Jawf province, in the northwest corner of the Kingdom and next door to Jordan. According to Andrew Rambaut, that province recently saw two cases—a 65-year-old man and a 51-year-old woman.

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