Wednesday, December 11, 2013

'Resistance is Useless' - Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill to National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2014

'Resistance is Useless' - Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill to National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2014. HT: A Sheep No More

The fact that this internet control bill is attached to the NDAA is no accident because this means that dissidents, posting anti-government rhetoric on the internet, can be snatched off the street and held indefinitely for their “terrorist” views.

Call your senator and tell them to vote no to the Cyber Security Amendment attached to the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Bill. COPY AND PASTE THIS INFORMATION below into BOTH OF YOUR SENATORS EMAILS!  They must know we KNOW WHAT THEY ARE UP TO AND ARE EXPOSING THEM!!! SENATOR MAIN NUMBER IS 202 224 3121  and their email can be found here…

Jay Rockefeller (D WVA) has attached a cyber-security amendment (I attached it below)  to the NDAA 2014 bill in Congress to mandate that precautions be taken to protect America’s cyber infrastructure and private entities. Those of us who represent private entities, will soon find our free access to the internet eliminated. 
The fact that this internet control bill is attached to the NDAA is no accident because this means that dissidents, posting anti-government rhetoric on the internet, can be snatched off the street and held indefinitely for their “terrorist” views. 
There is a second and equally disturbing development in that the government has declared that the people of this country do not have the right to challenge the government on its unconstitutional actions.
This is a position which fully exposes the fact that America is no longer a democratic republic, but rather a dictatorship which serves the elite
At issue is the ACLU’s right to sue the NSA for the unconstitutional  and unwarranted intrusions into the private lives of all Americans by spying on their every communication and their web-surfing habits. This position, taken by the government, validates that we have no rights and are living under a dictatorship. BILLS-113s1353is

Rockefeller’s proposal, S.1353, was unanimously approved by the Commerce Committee in July but has stayed relatively dormant ever since. On Thursday he submitted that bill as an amendment to be considered as part of an annual Pentagon spending plan that could fast track his attempts to land his proposal on President Barack Obama’s desk after attempts in Congress to adopt cybersecurity legislation have largely proven to be futile.


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