Thursday, December 26, 2013

Video - Whistleblower Snowden's Christmas Message Calls for 'End to Mass Surveillance'

Video - Whistleblower Snowden's Christmas Message Calls for 'End to Mass Surveillance'. (Newsmax).

On a video released to Britain's Channel 4, Politico reported that Snowden said Americans had recently learned that the government has "created a system of world-wide mass surveillance, watching everything we do."

He went on, “Together we can find a better balance. End mass surveillance. Remind the government that if it really wants to know how we feel asking is always cheaper than spying.”

Wearing a black jacket and pink button-down shirt, the self-proclaimed whistleblower said that George Orwell's classic book "1984" warned of the type of surveillance carried out by NSA, which has spied on millions of Americans by collecting mass phone data.

"Great Britain's George Orwell warned us of the danger of this kind of information," he said. "The types of collection in the book – microphones and video cameras, TVs that watch us - are nothing compared to what we have available today.

"We have sensors in our pockets that track us everywhere we go. Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person
."Read the full story here.

“Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship.” ― Bruce Coville.

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