Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WSJ: Obama 'admin' in Talks with Syrian Islamists.

WSJ: Obama 'admin' in Talks with Syrian Islamists.(WSJ) HT: WhiteHouseDossier.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting this morning that the Obama administration has opened talks with openly Islamist militias fighting Syrian President Bashar Assad.
From the piece:
The U.S. and its allies have held direct talks with key Islamist militias in Syria, Western officials say, aiming to undercut al Qaeda while acknowledging that religious fighters long shunned by Washington have gained on the battlefield.
At the same time, Saudi Arabia is taking its own outreach further, moving to directly arm and fund one of the Islamist groups, the Army of Islam, despite U.S. qualms.
Both the Western and Saudi shifts aim to weaken al Qaeda-linked groups, which Western officials now concede are as great a danger in Syria as President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
Over the past two months, the militias, which command the loyalty of tens of thousands of fighters driving the conflict in Syria, have begun to consolidate their ranks. In late November, they announced they were banding together and forming the Islamic Front.
The more secular groups the U.S. has been backing have lost major ground to that group and the al Qaeda-linked forces, as well as to the Assad regime. Western diplomats estimate the new coalition accounts for about half of the rebels now fighting in the conflict.
This is the result of Obama’s feckless indecisiveness. Instead of seriously supporting rebels we might be able to deal with, Obama sort of, kind of backed them, afraid to really arm them.
Meanwhile, he tried to cutely force a stalemate and maneuver everyone to the bargaining table. As if Assad was going to bargain away his power. Obama simply doesn’t understand how these people think.
Gosh, it’s almost getting boring. Another Obama foreign policy failure.
I truly hate to say this given that he is a mass murderer, but Assad is now the best option among bad options in Syria.
To install an Islamist regime there will not only invite much more bloodletting and repression, but it will create decades of problems for the region and the United States as yet another band of Mullahs seeks to export its fanaticism. Not to mention the terrorist training camps that will dot the landscape.
Obama is now negotiating with people who want to establish a modern Caliphate and, if at all possible, cut off our heads while doing it. It’s our president’s latest journey to the Land of Dangerous Absurdities.

Hmmm.....Iran , Hezbollah, Hamas and now Syrian Islamists.....What ever happened to 'The U.S. doesn't negotiate with terrorists'?

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