Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Moderate" Iran - 2013: 660 executions, two thirds under Hassan Rouhani.

"Moderate" Iran - 2013: 660 executions, two thirds under Hassan Rouhani.(NCRI).
In 2013, subsistence of Velayat-e faqih regime continued on gallows, group executions in prisons and city streets throughout the country, and torture and tormenting to death of the political prisoners. The ruling mullahs employed at least 60 suppressive organs, including the revolutionary guards, the anti-popular Basij force, plainclothes, variety of intelligence organs to suppressive institutions such as district police, dormitory police, intangible police, metro police, women’s police, etc., and not one day went by without suppression and slaughter.
Some angles of this all encompassing suppression may be recounted as follows:
A. Executions
1. Since the beginning of 2013 till December 31, execution ofat least 660prisoners was registered in Iran with 430 of them executed after the June 14election show. This is while news on many executions never finds its way out of the prisons. Twenty-five of those executed were women.Public execution of two young men of 20 and 23 years old for stealing the equivalent of 35 Euros, execution of three youngsters who were 12, 15 and 17 years old at the time of their arrests, hanging a bleeding 28 year old who a few hours prior to his execution had committed suicide, hanging the body of a 23 year old in Zahedan who had already died a few hours back of a heart attack, hanging of Ms. GeiteiMarami, 34, whose body was bleeding due to 100 lashes she received prior to her execution, emphasizing on the execution of a wretched prisoner who had come alive after his execution in the mortuary, are but a minute segment of mullahs’ regime record replete with crimes in 2013. On December 11, head of regime’s judiciary system Mullah SadeqLarijani called reports by international bodies on degrading condition of human rights in Iran as fabricated and prejudiced and said: “Opposing the death sentence is opposing Islam’s orders.”
2. Meanwhile thousands of prisoners throughout the country are on the death row. As an example, just in GhezelHessar prison, there are 3000 prisoners who are sentenced to death. To facilitate group executions, the clerical regime has put up threeplatforms each capable of concurrently hanging 12 people. In protest to these executions, it is now two months that a number of political prisoners who are sentenced to death have gone on a hunger strike in GhezelHessar. In the last weeks of 2013, several thousand other prisoners went on a 10-day hunger strike.
3. Staging horrific public group executions to intensify atmosphere of terror and fright in the society increased in 2013. Cities such as Noshahr, Babol, Ghemshahr, Tonkabon, Shiraz, Jahrom, Fasa, Ahvaz, Dehdasht, Hendijan, Shahrkord, Ilam and Karaj were witness to these horrific scenes. State-run media published horrific pictures of these executions to deepen the atmosphere of terror and fright. On many occasions, including in Lakan prison in Rasht, prisoners are forced by henchmen to participate in the dreadful scenes of hanging of their co-inmates or friends and those who refuse to participate in this anti-human action are sent to solitary confinement.
B. Execution of political prisoners
4. Execution of political prisoners, especially the ethnic and religious minorities, showed an increase last year. On October 26, sixteenBaluchi political prisoners were collectively hanged in Zahedan prison. Regime’ officials confessed that these people who had been in prison for a long time, were executed in revenge for a number of revolutionary guards killed in Saravan. On that same day, another Baluchi political prisoner in the prison in Hamedan, and two Kurdish political prisoners HabibollahGolparipour, 29, and Reza Esmaeili (Mamedi), 34, in the central prison of Urumia and Salmasrespectively, were hanged. On the next day, a Baluchi political prisoner was executed in Barsilon prison in Khorramabad. On November 3, four Arab prisoners from Shadegan were executed. On November 4, ShirkooMa’arefi, a Kurdish political prisoner was executed in city of Saghez. There is no news on a number of political prisoners who in recent months have been transferred from their cells to unknown locations. Meanwhile, execution of political prisoners as ordinary or narcotic trafficking prisoners is a known routine in the mullahs’ regime. Apprehensive of social tumult, regime has refrained from handing over bodies of political prisoners to their families and secretly buried them.
C. Murder, secretly killing, and tormenting to death of prisoners.
D. Harsh prison conditions.
E. Medieval punishments.
16. Barbaric punishments such as stoning, amputations, blinding, cutting off the ear… help complete the cycle of atrocity and terror in mullahs’ regime. In the past year, four stoning sentences, including two women in city of Tabriz, gouging out of the eye and cutting off the ear of an imprisoned worker in Tehran, and cutting off the hand of eight prisoners in Shiraz, Sari and Abadanwere issued. AssadollahJafari, regime’s deputy of the judiciary, called “carrying out amputation of hand and foot as one of the honors of [mullahs’] judiciary system” (regime’s news agencies – 30 January 2013). Public prosecutor of Shiraz said that amputation of hand is a “serious warning” to all those that “create insecurity”. And regime’s Guardian Council once again reiterated on punishment of stoning in mullahs’ “new penal code” of 2013 (Spokesman for Majlis Judiciary Commission –21 January 2013).
F. Murdering people, especially in border areas.
G. Arbitrary detentions.
I. Suppression of freedom of expression.
J. Rigorous suppression of cyber space.Read the full report here.

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