Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Video - Al-Qaida holds largest, most drone unattended gathering in years.


Group's 2nd in command is shown announcing his plan to "eliminate" America; CNN reports US must have not been aware of meeting.(Jpost).

A civilian video has surfaced on YouTube illustrating the largest gathering of al-Qaida in years, reported CNN on Tuesday.

The meeting, which reportedly took place in Yemen, shows Nasser al-Wuhayshi a man known to be al-Qaida's second in command, a man who, according to CNN, has previously announced his determination to attack the United States.

According to the international news organization, either the US was not aware of the dangerous meeting, or was not notified with enough time to attack.

"We must eliminate the cross," says the al-Qaida leader in a speech in the video. "The bearer of the cross is America."

US officials believe the professionally produced video is recent, says CNN, and that an attack could be in planning stages.   Hmmm.....NSA IRS FBI CIA and which ever group choose to listen to all our calls, read our emails AND FUCKING MISSED THIS TARGET RICH OPPORTUNITY COMPLETELY.

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