Saturday, April 26, 2014

Video - Christian Arab woman reveals the truth about the 'War on Christianity' in the Holy land

Christian Arab woman reveals the truth about the 'War on Christianity' in the Holy land.HT: Camera.

In 2012, CBS aired a notoriously dishonest “60 Minutes” segment about Christians in the Holy Land. In the segment, prominent Palestinian Christians tried to dismiss legitimate concern about the suffering of Christians in Muslim-majority Palestinian society as a “great selling point.”

Now, one of the sources who appeared in the segment, Christy Anastas, has stepped into the spotlight to reveal the truth about the suffering endured by Christians living under the Palestinian Authority, a truth that is completely at odds with the “60 Minutes” story.

Anastas, who appeared in the 60 Minutes segment along with her mother came forward earlier this month in a talk she gave at Uppsala University in Sweden and which is now posted on Youtube.

During her talk, which can be seen here, Christy directly contradicts the story told by Bob Simon in the “60 Minutes” segment on Christians in Bethlehem that aired in 2012.

After speaking in defense of Israel’s right to exist with her fellow Palestinians, Christy reports she was threatened by one of her own family members – who said he would put a bullet in her head if she didn’t stop talking in defense of Israel. The explanation for the threat was that she was putting her family in danger by speaking out in Israel’s defense.

During her talk in Sweden, Christy also described how one of her uncles was shot in the head and blinded for his refusal to pay protection money, or “al-jizyah,” to Muslim extremists in the West Bank.

His life was only saved by the treatment he received in an Israeli hospital. She also describes how Palestinian judges have colluded with the theft of land from Christians in Palestinian society.

After her talk was published on YouTube by the Jerusalem Institute for Justice (JIJ), she was threatened and her has been harassed.

The video was taken down for a few days and then reposted (with a new introduction and a new ending) by the Emmaus Group, a Christian group in the United Kingdom that draws attention to the mistreatment of Christians in Muslim-majority settings.

The video attracted the attention of people in her hometown of Bethlehem. Her own father has denounced her for telling her story in a Palestinian newspaper.

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