Thursday, November 6, 2014

Belgium launches Website where you can report child prostitution from all over the world.

Belgium launches Website where you can report child prostitution from all over the world. (HLN).[GoogleTranslate]

Whoever witnesses child prostitution, in Belgium or abroad, on business or on vacation, can register on the website.

The message will remain confidential.

On the site are five red buttons to see the messages I support, I intervene, I sign, I testify, and promoting. "Intervention is to protect," said Ariane Couvreur Group STOP.

"Without intervention, it is difficult for the authorities to follow the child molesters abroad and to protect the victims." "Numerous factors work the supply of children in prostitution in hand: the increased poverty by the crisis, war, corruption .. . "said Couvreur.

"On the other hand it makes tourism destinations more accessible and creates new technology make it difficult to identify the perpetrators."

"The site is a new sign of the commitment of Belgium in the fight against the sexual exploitation of children, ten years after the first awareness campaign STOP "said Minister Reynders today.

The website is linked to the European platform .

Around 1.8 million children are exploited annually worldwide, STOP Group, who added that reminded consists of the police, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Justice, Child Focus and Plan Belgium.

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