Saturday, November 1, 2014

Iranian regime under fire at UN for avalanche of human rights abuses.

Iranian regime under fire at UN for avalanche of human rights abuses. (NCRI).

Many of the more than 100 diplomats who took the floor on Friday at a United Nations debate regarding the violations of human rights in Iran voiced outrage at the situation of political prisoners, women and religious minorities. They also criticized the arrests and harassment of journalists, the forced confessions and the lack of access to fair trials under the clerical dictatorship.

UN diplomats highlighted soaring numbers of executions and condemned the recent hanging of Reyhaneh Jabbari despite the international campaign to spare her life.

Many diplomats raised the issue of the escalating numbers of executions, highlighted by the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran, Dr. Ahmed Shahhed, who maintains the country has executed at least 850 people in the past 15 months.

Britain’s representative to the United Nations said his country was “deeply concerned at the sharp increase in executions in Iran over the past year.”

France condemned the rising executions in Iran and demanded a “moratorium on the death penalty”.

Germany asked for a halt to the public executions which have taken place all over Iran.

A number of countries, including Switzerland, pointed to the case of 26-year-old Reyhaneh Jabbari as an example of the injustice by the regime.

Mohammad Javad Larijani, the Secretary General of Iran's High Council for Human Rights defended the Tehran regime’s record, including the brutal hanging Reyhaneh Jabbari - a would-be victim of sexual assault by an intelligence official.

Defending the inhuman laws of the clerical regime (known as 'qisas' or law of retribution), Larijani shamelessly urged the Western countries to “look into it.”

He described 'qisas', the inhuman law sanctioning the gouging out of many eyes, the amputation of many hands, fingers and legs, and the execution of many juvenile offenders, as ‘a unique particularity’ of his regime.

The chief human rights official of the clerical regime told the Geneva forum during a regular review of the Iranian regime’s record: “Capital punishment or 'qisas' is a unique particularity of our system. I think it would be worthwhile for Western countries to look into it."

Larijani adamantly defended the country’s judicial system, insisting: “All nationals of Iran are equal before the law.”

Such claims were brushed aside by a range of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), who blasted the lack of progress since the last review of the Iranian regime’s human rights record in 2010 and condemned discriminatory laws and practices infringing on the rights of women, and religious and ethnic minorities among others.

In recent weeks the violations of human rights and crimes committed by the clerical regime took on another inhumane dimension with gangs affiliated to the regime throwing acid on the faces women and girls who they considered to be dressed improperly.

Along with this heinous crime, the wave of executions has intensified. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in a statement that at least 55 persons have been executed in the span of 12 days (October 18 to 29) in cities across Iran.

The statement said: “The Iranian regime - known by the people as the “Godfather of ISIS” - faced with the people’s wrath and revulsion of the intensifying suppression in the country and particularly following the recent wave of throwing acid onto Iranian women and girls, has resorted to a surge in executions to increase intimidation and fear in society.”

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