Sunday, November 9, 2014

'Neo Ottoman Conqueror' Turkey’s naval forces get a new set of rules of engagement for Cyprus and Israel.

'Neo Ottoman Conqueror' Turkey’s naval forces get a new set of rules of engagement for Cyprus and Israel. (HD).

The Turkish Navy has been authorized by the government for the full implementation of recently amended rules of engagement in the eastern Mediterranean in the face of growing tension between littoral countries, including Turkey, Greek Cyprus, Egypt and Israel over oil and natural gas drilling projects.

The Prime Ministry handed over the rules of engagement to the Chief of General Staff and the Chief of Staff handed them over to the Naval Forces Command. We will act in line with these rules of engagement in the event we face a situation over this issue,” Adm. Bülent Bostanoğlu, the naval forces commander, told reporters Nov. 9 in Muğla as he participated in the Blue Whale-2014 naval exercise.

“Our naval forces elements will continue their mission of situational awareness in the region.” Bostanoğlu’s statement came after a question on which rules of engagement the Turkish Navy would follow if Turkish vessels confront Greek or Israeli warships in the eastern Mediterranean.

Tension between Turkey and the Greek Cyprus-Greece duo has increased recently after the Greek Cypriot government issued licenses for oil and natural gas exploration in its claimed economic exclusive zones in the eastern Mediterranean.

Turkey strongly criticized the move, saying it was a clear breach of Turkey and Turkish Cypriots’ rights and sent a seismic exploration vessel to the region for its own drilling purposes and one warship for the surveillance of foreign platform vessels being used for oil exploration.

Greek Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades on Nov. 8 accused Turkey of “provocative actions” that he said Ankara was hindering the island’s peace talks and compromising security in the eastern Mediterranean.

“Turkey’s provocative actions do not just compromise the peace talks, but also affect security in the eastern Mediterranean region,” Anastasiades said at a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

For the [Cyprus peace] negotiations to succeed, Turkey needs to show a positive intention and adopt a constructive stance through positive and effective steps in this direction,” he said.

 Hmmmm......I've always said the Cypriot gas will lead to conflict with 'Bully' Turkey, Those Two Frigates Obama wanted to 'Donate' to his BFF Erdogan, they would have come very handy to patrol around Cyprus, good thing the U.S. Congress refused. He did sell top of the line Missiles to the 'Muslim Brotherhood' run Egypt, but now they re opposed to Bully Turkey.

Read the full story here.

Related: Egypt and Turkey making a power play to screw Israel in the Mediterranean?


Turkish Naval Forces has full authority to attack in Mediterranean Sea

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