Monday, November 3, 2014

Satellite photos reveal North Korea may have it'sown submarine capable of carrying ballistic missiles.

Satellite photos reveal North Korea may have it'sown submarine capable of carrying ballistic missiles. (Heraldsun).

North Korea is believed to have completed a homegrown submarine capable of carrying ballistic missiles — a move set to significantly extend the rogue state’s nuclear reach.

South Korean government sources were reported in local media as saying a previously unseen submarine spotted in North Korean waters in recent weeks had now been identified.

The rogue state “is believed to have completed construction of the new submarine after importing a Soviet-era Golf-class diesel submarine and reverse-engineering it,” a government source said on condition of anonymity.

South Korean government sources were reported in local media as saying a previously unseen submarine spotted in North Korean waters in recent weeks had now been identified.

The Yonhap news agency reports the submarine was based an old design which was decommissioned by Russia almost 25 years ago. Read the full story here.

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