Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A technicality will "temporarily"make Hamas legal in Europe......a.k.a. how to put pressure on Israel.

A technicality will "temporarily"make Hamas legal in Eurabia Europe. (TOI).

Step is a ‘technicality’ and Jerusalem has been assured it will quickly be reversed, TV report says

The EU is on Wednesday to temporarily remove Hamas from its list of designated terrorist organizations, Israel’s Channel 10 news reported Tuesday night

The report said the EU has described the move as “a technicality” and “temporary,” and that its stance on Hamas has not changed.

The move stems from a petition recently submitted to the European Court of Human Rights on a related matter, concerning Tamil terrorists, in the course of which it was argued that the EU had designated Hamas a terror group on the basis of information provided by the United States, while EU regulations require that the EU’s own material be used as the basis for such a designation, the TV report said.

Based on this, the EU will temporarily remove Hamas from its list of designated terror groups, but will swiftly return it to that list once the correct paperwork has been processed.

The report said that the EU has kept Israel informed about the process, and that there have been contacts with top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman.

Israel’s concern is that Hamas will exploit any time lag to operate in Europe, the TV report said. The EU has promised Israel, however, that it will seek to block that possibility, including by issuing interim regulations.

The EU has asked Israeli officials not to cause a public row over the affair, the TV report said, and Jerusalem is refusing to comment on it. Hmmmm.....Christmas spirit in Eurabia...Peace to all people of Hamas...... Temporary has the nasty habit of becoming permanent!Still it will be long enough to 'recognize' the Palestinian 'TERROR STATE'

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