Friday, December 19, 2014

Egypt Is Pursuing criminal charges Against Hillary Clinton and Pres Obama.

Egypt Is Pursuing criminal charges Against Hillary Clinton and Pres Obama. (Conservativetribune).

President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took great care of the Muslim Brotherhood while the terrorist group was briefly in charge of Egypt following the Arab Spring.

Though the group is no longer in power, as they were ousted by the Egyptian military, Egypt hasn’t forgotten the aid and comfort Obama provided the terrorist group during their short reign.

Egyption lawmakers charged Obama and Clinton in two separate complaints with the conspiracy charge.
For the first complaint, Obama was officially named as “an accessory to crimes committed by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.” The charge is serious, with specific details about his accessory role, that said he, “cooperated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes.”
The other charge, against Clinton, accuses her of working with Naglaa Mahmood, the wife of the ousted Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi, in an attempt to overthrow General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi, the current leader of Egypt (H/T Western Journalism).
Mahmood has since admitted that she’s worked closely with the Clintons, dating back to the 1980s — including numerous phone calls between the two since then, hundreds of which she has recorded.
Perhaps the most serious charge against the two involves their attempted bribe to the tune of $8 billion which was an attempt to sway the Brotherhood to open up part of the Sinai Peninsula to Hamas groups to make it easier to attack Israel.
That’s also not a stretch — as Obama isn’t exactly known to be a supporter of Israel.
While there are numerous reasons to impeach Obama at this point, news like this serves to further strengthen the case to do so. He continuously takes sides with terrorist groups and has managed to destroy America’s reputation with his ridiculously idiotic foreign policy decisions.
In fact, many would say his actions are grounds for him to be charged with treason.

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