Friday, December 19, 2014

Islamic State now Trafficking Human Organs from Kidnapped Captives.

Islamic State now Trafficking Human Organs from Kidnapped Captives. HT: GatewayPundit

AWD News reported, via Religion of Peace:
While the terror army ISIS is making millions of dollars a day through its oil sales, it also is profiting from trafficking in human organs, according to a number of reports that have raised the issue in recent months. 
Even while the reports concede firm figures are practically impossible to corroborate, the Al-Alam news source said the chief of forensic pathology at Damascus University told the Syrian al-Watan that there have been more than 18,000 organ trafficking cases in the northern part of Syrian in recent years. 
The report from Hossain Noufel said many of the victims are children.
“Syrian people … are now dealing with organ traffickers who are slicing off their own share from the unfortunate Syrian families,” the report said. 
And according to BioEdge, which monitors bioethics developments around the world, a physician from Mosul told the publication Al-Monitor that large-scale organ-harvesting is taking place in local hospitals and that ISIS “was reaping significant profits from the scheme.” 
The BioEdge report said the doctor, Siruwan Al-Mosuli, reported physicians were being hired to perform rapid organ removal operations from “recently deceased jihadis or captives.” 
They are then “swiftly” moved to local or foreign buyers, the report said.
The BioEdge report said the doctor reported ISIS even has a specialized force that deals with organ trafficking.
Hmmm.....What's the Odds 'Sometimes NATO Ally' Turkey is involved in this organ trade? I would say more then 50/50.

RELATED: Organ Smuggling: Turkish Hospitals Traffic Injured Syrian Citizens’ Organs

The Turkish public health sector has a history of operating in international human organ smuggling for money.

In 2010 The Guardian reported the theft of human organs by Yusuf Ercin Sonmez, a Turkish surgeon who was sought by Interpol in an international manhunt at the time.

Sonmez has been indicted for illegally taking human organs for sale from patients in Kosovo and accused of the same in Azerbaijian and of being involved in an organ theft ring in Ecuador.

In Kosovo, Sonmez was indicted for taking organs from Serb soldiers, captured in the 1998-1999 US war on Serbia and leaving them to die. Linked to Hashim Thaci, the US-backed Prime Minister of Kosovo, Sonmez had been repeatedly arrested for these crimes in Turkey but later released. According to The Guardian. More here.

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