Saturday, December 20, 2014

'Islamist' Turkey - TV show fined for "immorality," after it showed husbands dancing with other women while their wives watched.

'Islamist' Turkey - TV show fined for "immorality," after it showed husbands dancing with other women while their wives watched. (HD).

Turkey’s media watchdog has fined a TV show 410,000 Turkish Liras for "immorality," after it showed husbands dancing with other women while their wives looked on.

The offending episode was broadcast on Nov. 16 and featured male contestants dancing, sometimes closely, with a group of foreign women, as the men’s wives or girlfriends watched.

The female contestants were seen exclaiming, “Really? Is this a joke? I will kill him,” in the studio as they looked on.

The RTÜK ruling said the scene that was played out on screen “encouraged men to cheat on their wives and provided an environment that would harm family tranquility.” It added that the show “degraded women to the level of a sexual object.”

RTÜK also raised eyebrows last month after it fined private station ATV for broadcasting a drama that featured a scene involving a kiss that it described as “lip-o-suction.” Hmmm.....It's beyond comprehension that westerners even consider Turkey as a holiday destination......Turkey  Iranian style.

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