List of Syrian Shabiha Posing As Refugees in Europe. HT: unfetteredfreedom.
HT And Source:
Update #Refugees (English) #marchofhope #MigrantMarch #trainofhope is finished THX: @KayQuirk1 @Lins_Clydesdale
— Muschelschloss☕ ️ (@Muschelschloss) October 5, 2015
Note: This list is constantly being added to and updated; so far I have only categorised a fraction of the shabiha whose names I am aware of.
During the refugee crisis, we have heard many baseless scare-stories about Da'esh (ISIS) members supposedly infiltrating Europe under the guise of refugees.
Outright Lies Were Some (One Originated From The Made-Up Figure s Of An Islamophobic Lebanese Christian), Some Were Sensationalised Quotes From Dubious Sources Parroted By Outlets Like The Daily Mail (Which Once Supported The British Fascists) Or A Combination Of Several.
The truth is that there is no large scale influx of Da'esh fighters hiding as defenceless men, women and children. Because that's all the vast majority of these refugees are.
However, is that there is a huge influx of pro-regime militants into European states. Having participated in the genocidal fight to save the regime, many have since decided that mass killing is not as fun as they thought (or the pleasure has worn off) and decided to seek refuge elsewhere.
Here are some of the names of the criminals involved. Information on their crimes has been taken from their own social media accounts, on which they shamelessly post their involvement.
Worryingly, This Also Raises The Possibility That Some Of Them Were Deliberately Sent By The Regime As Agents, In Order To Hunt Down Refugees And / Or Stage False flag Change to USD Terror Attacks In Europe (The Regime Has An Active Relationship With Terror Groups That It Uses To gain support abroad).
Name: Avo 'Abu Kevo' Khorozian (Evo "Abu CFU" Khorzaan)
Age: 23
From: Suleimaniyah, Aleppo, Syria
Current location: Berlin, Germany
Avo is a Syrian-Armenian Christian from Aleppo, who was in the ranks of the regime shabiha. While in Syria he uploaded photographs with weapons and promised massacres against Assad's opponents.
Was Close To avo Two LA Gangsters Of Armenian-Syrian Origin, Deported From The US (Nerses Kilajyan And SaroMadarian). "Wino" (Nerses) Bragged Of Torturing People To Death On His Deleted Facebook Account, Prior To His Death Around August 18th.
Avo seems affiliated to Liwa'a al-Quds ("Jerusalem Brigades"), a pro-regime militia force which several friends belong to.Friend His Baghdig Was Killed Fighting For The Group In April 2014, Now Widely Celebrated As A Martyr On Pro-Regime Social Media Accounts.
July 2nd On, Avo Listed Himself As Having Travelled Into The Diyarbakir Region Of Turkey From Syria. July 24th On, He Uploaded A Photograph Of Himself In Regensburg. Subsequent photographs followed, and he identified himself as living in Berlin.
Name: Ivo "Abu CFU" Khorzaan
place and previous profession: Sulaimaniya, Aleppo, Hbih
place current presence: Berlin, Germany
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place and previous profession: Sulaimaniya, Aleppo, Hbih
place current presence: Berlin, Germany
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Name: Muhammad al-Kheimi (Mohammed Khiyami)
Age: Unknown
From: Amara, Damascus, Syria
Current location: Germany (unknown precisely)
Muhammad is from al-Amara, a neighbourhood in the heart of old Damascus. Judging from the photographs shared by activists on Arabic Facebook pages, he is a very young; probably too young to have been in the army.
His partial civilian attire implies that he was in the highly-sectarian pro-regime National Defense Force militia (predominantly Alawite). On social media he is alleged to be wanted for murder and theft, and has recently arrived in Germany.
Name: Mohammed Khiyami
place and previous profession: the melancholy, Hbih (can the National Defence Forces)
current place of presence: Germany
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place and previous profession: the melancholy, Hbih (can the National Defence Forces)
current place of presence: Germany
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Name: Wa'el Nasr (Wael Nasr)
Age: 27 (?)
From: Al-Sweida, Syria
Current location: Germany (unknown precisely)
Wa'el is from Sweida in southern Syria, and is presumably part of the Druze minority.Although the Druze have preferred to take a neutral line in the conflict, although some have taken up arms on the side of the regime. Since most Druze fighters are in the regime's National Defence Forces (NDF) and there is no further information, it is possible that he served in either the army or the NDF.
Wa'el is currently residing in Germany somewhere, and seems to have removed his Facebook account to keep a low profile.
Name: Liel Nasr
(location and previous profession: the melancholy, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: Germany
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(location and previous profession: the melancholy, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: Germany
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Name: Leith / Layth Ayman Munshdi
From: Syria (unknown)
Current location: Neustadt, Bremen, Germany
Layth appears to call himself Syrian, despite the fact that his parents are from Lebanon and Iraq. He appears to have possibly been born in the country and has citizenship there.He joined the regime forces (possibly Shiite militias) and took part in the fighting, and apparent war crimes judging from the many Facebook photographs he uploaded in which he is shown defiling dead bodies.
Layth (or "Layth Syr" as he called himself on his now-deleted Facebook account) has turned up in Neustandt calling himself a "Syrian refugee", despite his actions being the very cause of Syria's suffering. His apparent status as a war criminal is seemingly unknown to the German government.
Name: Laith Ayman Mnhdi
place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih
place current presence: Germany
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place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih
place current presence: Germany
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Name: Houssam Haj Yassin
Age: Unknown
From: Syria (unknown)
Current Location: Germany (unknown precisely)
Houssam was seemingly a soldier in the regular Syrian army (SAA) and not shy of showing it on social media.Somehow (presumably through bribery) he managed to leave the Syrian army and was recently spotted in Germany. If anyone has any information on his whereabouts, help would be greatly appreciated.
Name: Hossam Haj Yassin
(the place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: Germany
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(the place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: Germany
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Name: Muhammad Ma'in Kanaan (Muhammad certain Canaan)
Age: Unknown
From: Damascus, Syria
Current location: Sweden (?)
Is A Soldier kanaan In The Army Regime Who OnceMet Assad Personally In A Shoot Propaganda In Douma. The fact that he was able to meet the highly-guarded Assad suggests his impeccable loyalty to the regime; indeed, on his Facebook account his alternative name is the slogan used by many Assad supporters: "Souria al-Assad" (literally "Syria of Assad", "Assad's Syria", as if it belongs to him). He On Facebook he claims to have been educated in Damascus University.
Kanaan Is Alleged On Social Media To Have Found His Way To Sweden (Known To Be Generously Accommodating Towards Refugees) Posing As A Syrian Refugee. Has Recognised The kanaan Social Media Outrage Surrounding His Alleged Trip On His Facebook Profile (Where He Goes By 'Dodi MK kanaan'), And Mocked Those Who Seem To Have Exposed Him.
Name: Muhammad certain Canaan
(the place and previous profession: Daamishq, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or Republican Guards
place current presence: Sweden
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(the place and previous profession: Daamishq, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or Republican Guards
place current presence: Sweden
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Name: Feras Sammour
Age: 28
From: Damascus, Syria
Current location: Sweden (unknown precisely)
Feras is a Christian member of the regime shabiha who has apparently fled to Sweden.Some Christians like him have sided with the regime, many out of outright sectarian hatred of the Muslim majority population (many sincerely believe the regime lie about the uprising being an Islamic terrorist plot).
Feras seems like a typical regime thug; his profile suggests an overt focus on alcohol and good living. He seems to be in a relationship with a Swedish woman judging from his (now-closed) Facebook profile, which may make him easier to track.
Name: Firas beaver
location and previous profession: Daamishq, Hbih
place current presence: Sweden
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location and previous profession: Daamishq, Hbih
place current presence: Sweden
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Name: Muhammad Rafiq Ahmad (Ahmad Mamedrafiq)
Age: Unknown
From: Al-Qardaha, Syria
Current location: Germany (unknown precisely)
Ahmad was a member of the regime's "popular committees" for the al-Bustan region; "Popular committees" being a byword for being a member of the early shabiha gangs sent to crush protests with force. An Alawite from the Assad family's notorious home-town of Latakia, he seems to have fled to Germany. His exact whereabouts are unknown.
Name: Ahmed Mamedrafiq
place and previous profession: Qardaha, Hbih (People's Committees)
place the current presence: Germany
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place and previous profession: Qardaha, Hbih (People's Committees)
place the current presence: Germany
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Name: Muhammad Kowjan (Mohammed Coogan)
Age: Unknown:
From: Syria (unknown)
Current location: Germany (unknown precisely)
Little is known about Kojan, other than the fact that he served in the regime's security forces. Judging from the official-looking car he posed in for one photograph he could be from the regime's police force. However his young age also includes the possibility that he was part of the NDF or some other pro-government militia.
Kojan is currently hiding in plain sight in Germany.
Name: Mohammed Cogan
place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih
place current presence: Germany
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Name: Mohammed Cogan
place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih
place current presence: Germany
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Name: Amer Musleh Samarra (Amer Musleh Samara)
Age: Unknown
From: Syria (unknown)
Current location: The Netherlands (unknown precisely)
Amer was a pro-regime fighter in either the Syrian Army or the NDF. His apparently deleted (many regime fighters fleeing to Europe close their profiles to avoid attention once noticed) Facebook contains photographs of him in battle gear with his comrades in Syria. From photographs he is said to be in the Netherlands, although the precise location is unknown.

Name: Amer Musleh Samara
place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih
place current presence: Dwylah
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place and previous profession: Syria, Hbih
place current presence: Dwylah
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Name: Saro "Creeper" Madarian (Saro "Krebr" Madarian)
Age: Unknown
From: Aleppo, Syria and Los Angeles, California
Saro is the one surviving Armenian of the two from LA (originally from Aleppo) who came to the US as children from Syria. He was reportedly deported back there in 2010 for various offenses, with his friend Nerses ("Wino") following in 2012. Both Syrian-Armenians joined the pro government forces; He February 2014 InWas Wounded In A Battle.
Month Later A, Nerses And He Became notorious notorious All Over The Internet For Uploading A Video Showing Themselves Firing Badly-Rifles Aimed At "Enemigos", And Using Explicit Language And Gang Slogans Fluent In English In The Middle Of Syria. Their partial military attire and lack of skill implied they were in the NDF, although Nerses claimed to be in the "army".
Some Point At, Saro Left And Syria may Currently Be Residing In Armenia According To HisFacebook Page.
Name: Saro "Krebr" Madarian
(location and previous profession: Aleppo, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: fleeing, Armenian
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(location and previous profession: Aleppo, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: fleeing, Armenian
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Age: Unknown
From: Damascus, Syria
Current Location: In transit
Wael is a pro-regime fighter, apparently in the SAA. His Facebook page includes the regime loyalist slogan "Souria al-Assad".
As of several weeks ago he was in transit to Europe. I share this in the hope that he will be refused entry, when genuine refugees that his actions caused to suffer will be undoubtedly refused in his place.
Name: Wael Samara
(where former profession: Daamishq, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: Europe,
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(where former profession: Daamishq, Hbih (Syrian Arab army or national defense forces
place current presence: Europe,
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Age: 24
From: Syria (unknown)
Current Location: Berlin
Hawash is a former regime militant in either the SAA or the NDF. He recently arrived in Berlin, judging from his Facebook photographs, in an attempt to quietly readjust from a life of genocide to a life of luxury. I say we ensure the opposite by alerting the authorities to his history with the regime.
Name: Abdullah Hawash
location and previous profession: Syria, Hbih (Syrian Arab Army or the National Defence Forces)
current place of presence: Berlin, current place of presence: Berlin, Germany
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location and previous profession: Syria, Hbih (Syrian Arab Army or the National Defence Forces)
current place of presence: Berlin, current place of presence: Berlin, Germany
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Name: Ibrahim Hussein (Hussein Ibrahim)
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown (possibly Damascus)
Current Location: Berlin, Germany
During The notorious notorious Siege Of The Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp (In
Which Residents Were Relentlessly Bombed And a shelled, Ibrahim Reportedly Took Charge Of A Diamond Elissian secret Checkpoint And Was Responsible For Some Shelling And Bombing Of The Innocent Civilians That Occurred At The camp.
During The notorious notorious Siege Of The Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp (In

Having had his fun, Ibrahim decided that it was time to escape to Germany as a refugee. His Facebook, however, betrays him.
Name: Ibrahim Hussein
(former location and occupation: Daamishq, Hbih (Syrian Arab Army)
place the current presence: Minya
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(former location and occupation: Daamishq, Hbih (Syrian Arab Army)
place the current presence: Minya
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Age: 35-36
From: Homs, Syria
Current Location: Hamburg, Germany
Tariq is reportedly from the villages of Homs, and was in the regime's shabiha militias. However he has since relocated to Germany under the guise of a refugee, according to social media and a Facebook source. Any help in tracking him would be greatly appreciated.

place and previous profession: Homs, Hbih
place current presence: Hmberg Menia
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Age: Unknown
From: Syria (unknown)
Current Location: Austria
Ali is potentially a former member of the Syrian Republican Guard.The Regime Is This'sMost Loyal Unit, Almost Exclusively Staffed With Alawites. However it appears that he was one of the few exceptions; on Facebook his uniform has a patch resembling that of the Republican Guard, and is replete with pro-regime banners and slogans.
The caption at the top of his Facebook photo reads: "Listen oh my children. I am Bashar. I am a son of Syria. I am a son of the mountains ... "and so on.
Thus he, unlike some others, can not try and merely claim to be an unwilling conscript; His Own Admission By He Was An Active Career Soldier In A Unit Responsible For Serious Human Rights Abuses Against The Population.
Zahreddine issam, One Of The Most Popular Brigade's Leaders, Used To Beat Anti-Regime Protesters Demanding Freedom With An Electrified Stick. Volumes Speaking, Zahreddine's Own Religious Sect Have Called For His Death. We can only wonder what crimes Ali has indulged in, least of all been complicit in by fighting for the genocidal regime.
Name: Ali Saeed
(previous location and occupation: Syria, Hbih (possible Republican Guards
place current presence: Austria
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(previous location and occupation: Syria, Hbih (possible Republican Guards
place current presence: Austria
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The participation of one honorable
Alhbih and Alawaana Ali Saeed Palestinian Syrian of Rukn al-Din Sheikh Al-Khalid is now offline in Austria welcomed tried to pocket number Tlfuno gap Ojoato known Kteer Bracken religion and Mesku good youth warm-lane Tanih huh Ba Austria violin he becomes the world and Abat reports do not Akhuato follows Syria, for some young people are Aruba is not Astfsazon Anon opponents
Alhbih and Alawaana Ali Saeed Palestinian Syrian of Rukn al-Din Sheikh Al-Khalid is now offline in Austria welcomed tried to pocket number Tlfuno gap Ojoato known Kteer Bracken religion and Mesku good youth warm-lane Tanih huh Ba Austria violin he becomes the world and Abat reports do not Akhuato follows Syria, for some young people are Aruba is not Astfsazon Anon opponents
Age: Unknown
From: Aleppo, Syria
Current Location: In transit
Tafnakji is one of the regime soldiers who appeared in torture photographs from the notorious Mezze hospital, close to Assad's presidential palace. He later closed his Facebook account upon being discovered and exposed on social media. Tafnakji's father Ahmad is in Russia.
Tafnakji was serving his compulsory military service at the hospital, helping to catalogue and dispose of the bodies of those horrifically tortured to death, even posing for a photograph with his friend Racan al-Sabsabi.
And His Family Tafnakji Are Currently Trying To Get Asylum In The City Of Karlsruhe (Germany) And Arrived There Reportedly Over A Month Ago. Relevant ID Of The Camp The Responsible For Their Asylum Papers, According To Zaman al-Wasl, Is Durlacher Allee 100 76137 Karlsruhe.
Name: Mohammed Tvenkja
(location and previous profession: Aleppo, Hbih (Syrian Arab Army)
place the current presence: Kouglsrouh, Austria
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(location and previous profession: Aleppo, Hbih (Syrian Arab Army)
place the current presence: Kouglsrouh, Austria
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